To Fox news they all look alike


"mostly all commercial salesmanship now, not journalistic in nature."

I agree. Pitching the ideas of one party or the other. It is truly pathetic. We cannot even trust the news to be honest brokers of what is happening in the world. If it isn't about politics it is about how some Barbie got kidnapped or Joe Dirt in a wife beater shirt getting arrested for pissing on a cop or something else insignificant in comparison to the true problems in the world.

CNN talking heads...ole' Larry King came to mind when I saw this!
L King is so pitiful to watch ,you can tell he hates being there.

Retire already dude.

I guess he has too many wifes to support to retire.

Chairman Conyers responded today:

“Fox News has a history of inappropriate on-air mistakes that are neither fair, nor balanced. This type of disrespect for people of color should no longer be tolerated. I am personally offended by the network’s complete disregard for accuracy in reporting and lackluster on-air apology.”
"I watch him most every night."

And THERE you have it. ABSOLUTE UNDISPUTABLE PROOF... that Darla is slightly insane. ;)
And hence the day after he mentions it on his show, you suddenly were posting the thread? I mentioned him because he was the only big name that started in on that story as if it were something.
It was a play on Cypress who kept mentioning Glenn Beck to me, until I finally found out who he was. However, Olbermann had it on his show the day before it showed up on this site....

Which was another reason that I mentioned it.
It was a play on Cypress who kept mentioning Glenn Beck to me, until I finally found out who he was. However, Olbermann had it on his show the day before it showed up on this site....

Which was another reason that I mentioned it.

I thought you were talking about me, and I couldn't figure out what had you upset this time. lol

I will leave this to you and Cypress then...that's two people I don't need to be in the middle of, that's for sure!
This thread deserves some type of award.


What does it say if I'm not shocked in the least. I'd expect this from faux news.
The intentions of some Americans are getting very hard to disquise.

The people that insist that AA is out dated are the very ones who create the reasons why we still need it.
LOL, I mean if they even looked similar I'd give them the undeserved benefit of the doubt, but that's just ridiculous to point its funny.
Pretty sad little piece of news work.

They just keep outdoing themselfs in their ability to be partisan hacks.