Any supporter of Trump are traitors to this country and should be treated as such..

Any supporter of Trump are traitors to this country and should be treated as such..
Any supporter of Trump are traitors to this country and should be treated as such..
We are in no way moving to a socialistic country, it will never happen.
What are you proposing replace it?
I love how scared you people are...and you have every reason to be.
Any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country, they no longer have a voice in this country. They shoot traitors in this country. They are literally pond scum.
that my friend is just straight out stupid and simply shows you have no clue what you are talking about, you think social programs makes us communist , How stupid is that , well that would make every civilization back before the time of Christ communist then. You dog Pablum is comic.We already are.
did you hear the president last night?
They will die soon anyway but we can't wait for the browning of America to erase them, they will destroy us if we give them a chance. Letting them sit in the wings pot shooting our Democracy from the bushes to destroy it to force in a dictator is just plain stupid. They have to go while we can get rid of them, Now is the time. It can be done quite simply With the democrats total control of the House ,senate and Presidency. The promise has to be made to the real conservatives in this country that this country will do everything within its power to give them a party, a voice that will reflect their vote. It just won't be called the Republican party anymore , that name is way to poisoned by the hate group that took it Over. If you Support Trump, you are a traitor to this country, nothing more. A total threat and Enemy of this country. There is no in between