To Republicans past and present. Why are/were you a republican?

So I guess you missed the "providing for the ..... general welfare" and "promote the general welfare " phrases in the Constitution, funny how the Founding Fathers, who you said this is what they "feared the most," took the time to repeat the same thought a number of times in the same document

The rest of your post is pure talk radio rhetoric, which probably better describes how and why you became a Republican

Actually he ignores that the Constitution was created precisely to be able to control people as the founders discovered unchecked freedom was sending the colonies spiraling out of control. Despite their belief otherwise, conservatives are piss poor Early Americanists.
If enough felt like me we would have had Ron Paul for eight yrs., smaller gubmint, Obamacare, reduced deficit, no Iraq debacle and the hildebeest would be a footnote in history as the weak willed first lady who didn't have the temerity to divorce BJ.
You're basically making the old argument that I wasted my vote. We all pretty much do. Our one vote one way or another wouldn't have changed a thing in any election with the exception of Florida in '00. If I lived in a swing state like Ohio or Florida I'd definitely take your advice into consideration. AK is solid red. As far is the hildebeest is concerned , she's so hated here that she got something like 10 or 15% in the caususes. Dims either voted for Trump, Johnson or stayed home.

You must think Melania is a real gold digger wimp then.
I always think it's an interesting question to hear how people came to their current political beliefs. As we know not everyone is a democrat or republican. We also know many people have changed their beliefs over the course of their lifetime.

As far as the OP goes someone else already said it, the only answer for her is racism.
What drew you in?

What was it about the party that made you vote for them?
I was a Republican at the beginning of my political life, but Nixon ruined that for me.

Time has brought me to the point that I don’t like party. I support people. That’s becoming a problem as well, the candidates “ain't what they use to be”. I am excited about a few people on the local level. I have hope.
I always think it's an interesting question to hear how people came to their current political beliefs. As we know not everyone is a democrat or republican. We also know many people have changed their beliefs over the course of their lifetime.

As far as the OP goes someone else already said it, the only answer for her is racism.
To her credit this is one of the few threads where she hasn't spouted the usual " racist white males".
Actually shows a little curiosity.
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What drew you in?

What was it about the party that made you vote for them?

I detest dishonest, deceitful, two faced people who will do anything regardless of the morality or lack thereof involved. FYI: I am not a "republican", I am a registered democrat from a mold that was broken decades ago.....I did move away from a great party that once represented the working class families of this nation....that party moved away from my personal values, it now leans so far left they have to stand on one leg to take piss, a party that continually attempts to revise history and change the basic, fundamental founding principles of this nation from a Constitutional Republic that guarantees individual liberty, property ownership, and he pursuit of individual happiness regardless if that right is the freedom of speech, self defense, or the freedom of religion...……………

I ceased supporting such a party when the communist party USA took control of its leadership in the 60s and began calling themselves social progressives...……. The simple answer? Evil vs. Righteousness, I choose righteousness. You have no choice, you are either to support the atheist, anti-god, anti-individual liberty, social fascist party, that walks in lock step with satan that demands everyone fit into a certain mold.....or you vote against such evil regardless of what political affiliation that righteousness resides within. Lately....its the middle Independent voter that is the only thread holding this once great nation together.

Its a simple matter to determine where someone or some party is going by looking at the tracks they have left behind (where they have been in the past). What do these asswipes on the left have to offer? High Taxes, Open Borders, Crime, Unemployment, Welfare, Porn, Hate, Segregation.....and war mongering. You will find that a great many of the peoples responsible for putting The Donald into the white house were never Republicans and will never be republicans....they were simply pissed off American Citizens that grew weary of the elite politicians taking them for granted....while catering to the illegals, terrorist nations, everyone but the people who actually made this nation so great.
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So I guess you missed the "providing for the ..... general welfare" and "promote the general welfare " phrases in the Constitution, funny how the Founding Fathers, who you said this is what they "feared the most," took the time to repeat the same thought a number of times in the same document

I am hardly surprised that you are ignorant as to what those terms mean snowflake. Of course in dumbfuck land where you wallow, it must mean the Government steals from one group and gives it to another in order to win elections. But you're a moron on steroids and understand very little. That is why you are a blind rabid hyper partisan shill for the Democratic Party of the Jackass.

The rest of your post is pure talk radio rhetoric, which probably better describes how and why you became a Republican

All of your posts are the rhetoric of a buffoonish idiot on steroids.
Actually he ignores that the Constitution was created precisely to be able to control people as the founders discovered unchecked freedom was sending the colonies spiraling out of control. Despite their belief otherwise, conservatives are piss poor Early Americanists.

The Constitution wasn't created to control the people, that is ignorance. It was created to control the Government. THINK.
the Cumberland road?

the post office ?

lets remember the FOUNDERS laid out a clear process of using socialistic programs to protect the independence

of our nation and its peoples rights to be in control