the repubs have used millions of dollars of taxpayer money to cut Hillary down. Mccarthy said the Benghazis were aimed at slashing her polling and was happy that it was working. The Repubs started chopping at her in the Starr Comm. and the insane Whitewater fiasco.Then rinse and repeat. There have been about a dozen Hillary investigations all aimed at maing her look guilty. Eventually people sense, when there are that many investigations, she must have done something wrong. Fact is she was found innocent every time. But the psychological effects are real and harmful. That is what they were after and why they did it . It worked. People say she was corupt. Ok give an example. Explain the innocent findings. Where there is smoke there must be fire,. that is what the repubs used, and on most people, it works. Love to see how Trump would come out of all those investigations.....or even one.