To the so-called liberals who thought Secretary Clinton was an "equal evil."

It has everything to do with it and those of us with triple digit IQs understand.

Actually absolutely nothing. Reagan and North were guilty of crimes and Hillary was proven innocent, over and over. You are at least one digit overestimating yourself.
I am a progressive who still considers her the ultimate evil

Strong words, Kacper. Do you say this because, after countless investigations spanning a quarter of a century, her political enemies have never been able to pin anything on her?

I wouldn't call myself a great Hillary fan, I just wonder where you haters are coming from.
@ post 1

I thought she was capable and prepared in the same way John Kerry or Al Gore were.

I never understood why so many people claimed she was corrupt.

Well, I get there was Russian propaganda at play.

But, when you really think about it, she and Bill Clinton have been the subject of >20 years of extensive and unrelenting investigations led by partisan Republicans. There was never any crime pinned on them. And there would have been over the course of two decades if any had been found. Based on that back drop, Hillary Clinton might be the most vetted, and cleanest Democratic presidential candidate in history.
Then I'm afraid, Kkacper, that you're yet another saboteur to the progressive effort.
Not caring who sits on the Supreme Court is the sign of a malignant reprobate.

If not carrying water for the DNC makes me a saboteur, then so be it. The Green Party planks are more libertarian than establishment democrats on legal matters anyway.
Strong words, Kacper. Do you say this because, after countless investigations spanning a quarter of a century, her political enemies have never been able to pin anything on her?

I wouldn't call myself a great Hillary fan, I just wonder where you haters are coming from.

Not everything legal is good, and not everything evil is illegal.
If not carrying water for the DNC makes me a saboteur, then so be it. The Green Party planks are more libertarian than establishment democrats on legal matters anyway.

The Green Party wants to run presidential candidates when they don't even have any elected school committee members yet, never mind state legislators.
We tried the hippie way in 1968. I was there, and as a young adult, not a kid.
Now, stopping fascism requires intelligence and toughness.
If you don't think that the Supreme Court matters, you're really not intellectually competent to vote at all.