To USTraitor


God Bless America
I'm curious, being as you insulted my intelligence as well as the major I am pursuing, from what university did you graduate? And what was your finishing grade-point average?

I'm not one who believes education necessarily correlates with actual intelligence, but since you are, I'd be very interested in hearing about your academic achievements.

Thanks in advance. :)
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I'm curious, being as you insulted my intelligence as well as the major I am pursuing, from what university did you graduate? And what was your finishing grade-point average?

I'm not one who believes education necessarily correlates with actual intelligence, but since you are, I'd be very interested in hearing about your academic achievements.

Thanks in advance. :)

Darn I must have touched on a raw nerve. poliogies, but not too much. The first time I have been called the traitor label for a few years.... hmmm If you are Brent seems like you did that before as well.

I did not go to a universityto pursue a degree. The sudden death of my father at 16, working to help my mother and siblings, and being drafted and sent to Nam sort of screwed things up. I did graduate HS in the top 15% of my class( was pretty lazy and have ADD). I graduated 22 months of tech school as #2 in my class in Industrial Electronics. The same training is now an associate degree course.
I have also pursued approx 4,000 classroom hours of continuing technical education. And currently make $75/hr as an associate in the bleeding edge of the fiber/telecom field.

Just goes to show ya that a college degree (which is a good thing btw) does not overcome all the other problems a person might have.
I know of several multi millionaires that have less schooling than I do.

Personal drive is the main thing. Took me a while to sort all that out after Nam...

Hopefully by the time you graduate college your head will be screwed on a bit better and the economy will be better.

You have most of your life ahead of you do not screw it up.
it's sad though, watergerber may actually be the only poster your more educated than. LOFL

And why should I care about that ?

I have gone far beyond the my dog can whip your dog stage. The result is all that matters to me about that. Posturing is crap.
And why should I care about that ?

I have gone far beyond the my dog can whip your dog stage. The result is all that matters to me about that. Posturing is crap.

I have more education than the three men who hold the title of president at my company. One is basically retired. (although "retired" for him is not what most people call retired, it just means he plays in new businesses) The other two are not quite as wealthy as the first, but both are multi-millionaires.

A college education is always a good bet, but its not a guarantee. And having a more advanced degree does not mean you are more intelligent, or even more educated. (I have a friend who never graduated, but got 3/4 of the way to at least 4 degrees)

This whole "I am smarter than you" is nonsense. Even if intelligence was something that could be measured with any accuracy, the situation would dictate which was smarter.

I know several engineering profs that cannot do their own car repairs. They may be intelligent, but when his car is not running the mechanic can be said to be smarter.
Darn I must have touched on a raw nerve. poliogies, but not too much. The first time I have been called the traitor label for a few years.... hmmm If you are Brent seems like you did that before as well.

I did not go to a universityto pursue a degree. The sudden death of my father at 16, working to help my mother and siblings, and being drafted and sent to Nam sort of screwed things up. I did graduate HS in the top 15% of my class( was pretty lazy and have ADD). I graduated 22 months of tech school as #2 in my class in Industrial Electronics. The same training is now an associate degree course.
I have also pursued approx 4,000 classroom hours of continuing technical education. And currently make $75/hr as an associate in the bleeding edge of the fiber/telecom field.

Just goes to show ya that a college degree (which is a good thing btw) does not overcome all the other problems a person might have.
I know of several multi millionaires that have less schooling than I do.

Personal drive is the main thing. Took me a while to sort all that out after Nam...

Hopefully by the time you graduate college your head will be screwed on a bit better and the economy will be better.

You have most of your life ahead of you do not screw it up.
Sorry, but the add thing was not available then. You were just a bad boy. LOL! Seriously, today's 'add' and 'adhd' and 'asperbergers' would be better off as you were.
ADD was not available then ? Wow !

Anyway, They kept makinig me take IQ tests and stuff back then but never did figure out what was wrong with me. But yep a bit of a bad boy too ;)
Sorry, but the add thing was not available then. You were just a bad boy. LOL! Seriously, today's 'add' and 'adhd' and 'asperbergers' would be better off as you were.

No, I disagree. Todays ADD & ADHD kids have a recognized ailment. When I was a kid I was lumped in with the disciplinary problems. That was not what was wrong. Party it was ADD and partly it was boredom. Had I had someone recognize that there were other issues I would have had a much better educational experience.
No, I disagree. Todays ADD & ADHD kids have a recognized ailment. When I was a kid I was lumped in with the disciplinary problems. That was not what was wrong. Party it was ADD and partly it was boredom. Had I had someone recognize that there were other issues I would have had a much better educational experience.

yep pretty much bored, and double promoting me did not even help. I'll bet Thornycuss did not skip any grades.
yep pretty much bored, and double promoting me did not even help. I'll bet Thornycuss did not skip any grades.

Well boys, you are speaking to a 'teacher' that agrees with you. Seems to me that those that can 'move along' should be allowed to. However, most have somethings to learn, so they should be 'challenged' where appropriate and lessons should be driven towards mastery. That is my take.
Well boys, you are speaking to a 'teacher' that agrees with you. Seems to me that those that can 'move along' should be allowed to. However, most have somethings to learn, so they should be 'challenged' where appropriate and lessons should be driven towards mastery. That is my take.

yes I do not disagree at all. But really good teachers are hard to find. It is more of a calling than a career.
yes I do not disagree at all. But really good teachers are hard to find. It is more of a calling than a career.

Well it seems to me not all that difficult. Parents should be backing up the teachers that demand the kids learn what is required and complaining about those that don't teach what's necessary. Let me say, it's much more common to find parents complaining about the 'tough' teachers, that are trying to help the students be prepared for PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP tests.
USTraitor switches tactics when it is convenient for him. Earlier, as a typical demonstration of liberal elitism, he insulted my intelligence and said my major of choice (business administration) is a joke. And now that his elitism has been exposed, he dodges my challenge, positioning himself as a father figure giving his son a wise piece of advice. I'm not buying it. I'm not the one who pokes fun at other peoples' jobs and education. Hell, back when I worked at Staples, I never heard the end of it from liberals. Liberals are hypocrites. They claim to be for the "worker," but this is a lie! They are as smug as they are delusional.

Ironically, if their Marxist wet dream ever came true, they'd be the first ones to be shot to death in the streets. All those communist actors in Hollywood would have railroad spikes driven into their skulls if their ideology seized control.

Funny how that works eh? It's lunacy. And I'm tired of it.
Parents, there is a large part of the problem. We have too many people that have children and expect the world to mostly raise them and too few parents.
Going in aloop there Thonycuss ?

I am a business owner and I have happy well taken care of employees.

You have a lot yet to learn.

all liberals are not alike. Heck I am even mostly a true conservative.
And some Republicans are even tolerable if you don't talk politics with them.
USTraitor switches tactics when it is convenient for him. Earlier, as a typical demonstration of liberal elitism, he insulted my intelligence and said my major of choice (business administration) is a joke. And now that his elitism has been exposed, he dodges my challenge, positioning himself as a father figure giving his son a wise piece of advice. I'm not buying it. I'm not the one who pokes fun at other peoples' jobs and education. Hell, back when I worked at Staples, I never heard the end of it from liberals. Liberals are hypocrites. They claim to be for the "worker," but this is a lie! They are as smug as they are delusional.

I don't think the "working man" liberals were the ones attacking your profession. Here you are, taking a completely different side of liberailsm (which is actually populist) and using it to attack another completely different side that has nothing to do with that. It's a common conservative tactic.

Ironically, if their Marxist wet dream ever came true, they'd be the first ones to be shot to death in the streets. All those communist actors in Hollywood would have railroad spikes driven into their skulls if their ideology seized control.

Idiotic. Liberals have opposed Marxism since before conservatives were trying to reimpose monarchy.
USTraitor switches tactics when it is convenient for him. Earlier, as a typical demonstration of liberal elitism, he insulted my intelligence and said my major of choice (business administration) is a joke. And now that his elitism has been exposed, he dodges my challenge, positioning himself as a father figure giving his son a wise piece of advice. I'm not buying it. I'm not the one who pokes fun at other peoples' jobs and education. Hell, back when I worked at Staples, I never heard the end of it from liberals. Liberals are hypocrites. They claim to be for the "worker," but this is a lie! They are as smug as they are delusional.

Ironically, if their Marxist wet dream ever came true, they'd be the first ones to be shot to death in the streets. All those communist actors in Hollywood would have railroad spikes driven into their skulls if their ideology seized control.

Funny how that works eh? It's lunacy. And I'm tired of it.

We think that you'd be the first one to have a railroad spike driven through your skull. That's why we're communists. I joined precisely for that reason.