To USTraitor

Brent, there is nothing wrong with elitism. Just explain why you think USC is wrong without pointing to the few virtues that he may actually have.

Darla, no one really cares why you became a communist so long as you confine your barbarous ways to those people who are closest to your inner circle of life...
No, I disagree. Todays ADD & ADHD kids have a recognized ailment. When I was a kid I was lumped in with the disciplinary problems. That was not what was wrong. Party it was ADD and partly it was boredom. Had I had someone recognize that there were other issues I would have had a much better educational experience.

What you were missing were good teachers. Why do you think a 'label' would get you that? Seriously, rather than trying to ID all the behavior issues, wouldn't it be better to have teachers take the child from where they 'are' to a higher place? Isn't that the whole idea behind inclusion? If you were bored, what the heck was the teacher doing?

I teach in a parochial school, we supposedly have 'regular' kids. It's not so, my guess it never was. In a given class of say 20, I usually will have 1 gifted kid, 3 bd kids, 1 or 2 seriously deficient IQ kids. The rest fall somewhere in between.

So should I teach to the 'gifted'? Should I stop teaching to deal with the BD kids? Should I try to make the lessons on the level the lowest can 'get it?' What if your child was in my class? What if they were 'gifted'? BD? LD? IQ deficient?

What I try to do is direct instruction the the middle. At the same time I prepare separate lesson(s) for the advanced, low. I also separate the BD kids from one another and put them in with students that may have more patience. I also use them as my 'go to' students. "Please go to the office and get copies made. Please get these materials from the cupboards, I can't reach."

Related to all of the above, standardized tests. I'm thrilled to say that each of my students have nearly always performed ahead of the projections based on their previous scores and classroom performance. Now if I was in public school, would that mean we 'hit' NCLB goals, no. The low IQ kids are not going to be able to appear normal on standardized tests, they will NOT hit the grade level, they CAN'T. To make this a mandate shows a real lack of understanding on the part of the government.
What you were missing were good teachers. Why do you think a 'label' would get you that? Seriously, rather than trying to ID all the behavior issues, wouldn't it be better to have teachers take the child from where they 'are' to a higher place? Isn't that the whole idea behind inclusion? If you were bored, what the heck was the teacher doing?

I teach in a parochial school, we supposedly have 'regular' kids. It's not so, my guess it never was. In a given class of say 20, I usually will have 1 gifted kid, 3 bd kids, 1 or 2 seriously deficient IQ kids. The rest fall somewhere in between.

So should I teach to the 'gifted'? Should I stop teaching to deal with the BD kids? Should I try to make the lessons on the level the lowest can 'get it?' What if your child was in my class? What if they were 'gifted'? BD? LD? IQ deficient?

What I try to do is direct instruction the the middle. At the same time I prepare separate lesson(s) for the advanced, low. I also separate the BD kids from one another and put them in with students that may have more patience. I also use them as my 'go to' students. "Please go to the office and get copies made. Please get these materials from the cupboards, I can't reach."

Related to all of the above, standardized tests. I'm thrilled to say that each of my students have nearly always performed ahead of the projections based on their previous scores and classroom performance. Now if I was in public school, would that mean we 'hit' NCLB goals, no. The low IQ kids are not going to be able to appear normal on standardized tests, they will NOT hit the grade level, they CAN'T. To make this a mandate shows a real lack of understanding on the part of the government.

What were the teachers doing? They were trying to teach 30 to 35 kids. Having one that was bored while 30 were kept busy was all they could do.

Part of my school years saw them trying to figure out how to teach different abilities. They started putting us in levels within the grades. It was the best they knew at the time (late 60s). But much of that was self-paced. Not what someone like me needed.