Today's atrocities by genocidal Jews in occupied Palestine

Genocide Joe refuses to cease arms shipments to the sub-human Israeli Jews. He thinks that's a boost to his election chances.


Dumbass question. The goal is to free Palestine from occupation by US-backed genocidal Jews.
That is the legal position. The US continues to block legal action and continues to support and arm the criminal Jews.
There is no alternative to armed resistance until the back of US Zionism is broken.

You obviously don't want a positive outcome yourself- you're a blood leech. Fuck off.
And how is that to be accomplished according to you?

As compared to HA MAS ! Oct 7 medical care of Israelis in that Christian Nation SCOTUS medical care granted standing for thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" like Mengele "Angel of Death" Fourth Reich July Kristallnacht........
As compared to HA MAS ! Oct 7 medical care of Israelis in that Christian Nation SCOTUS medical care granted standing for thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" like Mengele "Angel of Death" Fourth Reich July Kristallnacht........
Lighten up , Dave- it's the solstice.
Bernie Sanders is an idiot. Who is Israel supposed to go to war against? Is Sanders suggesting that Israel should put out warrants for the arrest of Hamas combatants and leaders and then conduct police raids, like a SWAT team would? Does Sanders even realize how idiotically disconnected from reality his statement is?

War is state against state, and all people within the states at war are potentially targets in modern warfare.

Then Sanders has the stupidity to recite utterly wrong casualty figures that even the pro-Hamas UN has admitted are grossly overblown by at least double, and likely more.

It is absurd that anyone would listen to a radical Leftist octogenarian Stalinist who is nearly as senile as Biden.
So the longest day of the year shouldn't be about the longest Mohammed flaming flying chariot stayed in flight or how this longest pedophilia martyrdom Valhalla stayed as pseudoscience......
In your case- and other prosemitic dumbasses- it's the shortest night. Back into your crypt.