Today's atrocities by genocidal Jews in occupied Palestine


Hamas did and the so called Palestinians chose Hamas to be their governing body.
They did that in 2006. The Palestinians were not big backers of Hamas. That is why Hamas did not allow more elections. Choosing Hamas over Israel is easy now.
They did that in 2006. The Palestinians were not big backers of Hamas. That is why Hamas did not allow more elections. Choosing Hamas over Israel is easy now.
What happened in 2006 was that Hamas won a landslide victory across all of Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem. Terrified of a united Palestine the US and Israel organized a coup wherein their puppets- under the leadership of puppet-in-chief, Abbas , attempted to defeat Hamas in Gaza by force. They failed. That's how Gaza and the West Bank became separated politically. Since then Abbas has refused elections and is still the unelected president, his tenure having ended years ago. Today, the Zionist scum refuse to allow fair elections because they know that Hamas will win again.
Trouble is, "Queers for Palestine" might not be willing to leave one another's behinds, if you take my meaning.

That might cause some issues in Gaza.
They can always consult Stormy's ' How to Slap the President's Bare Ass with a Rolled up Porn-Mag ' manual if they're in need of leverage.
What happened in 2006 was that Hamas won a landslide victory across all of Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem. Terrified of a united Palestine the US and Israel organized a coup wherein their puppets- under the leadership of puppet-in-chief, Abbas , attempted to defeat Hamas in Gaza by force. They failed. That's how Gaza and the West Bank became separated politically. Since then Abbas has refused elections and is still the unelected president, his tenure having ended years ago. Today, the Zionist scum refuse to allow fair elections because they know that Hamas will win again.
Make sense. Hamas would hold an election if they would win. They stopped because they did not want to lose power. Now, Hamas could win. Palestinians have been slaughtered by Israel. Lots of them have revenge on their minds. You cannot ask a Palestinian to think "So my brothers and family members are killed and wounded. My home is blown up. I had nothing to do with that. But I will accept it stoically and pretend it did not happen." The hate will exist forever.
Make sense. Hamas would hold an election if they would win. They stopped because they did not want to lose power. Now, Hamas could win. Palestinians have been slaughtered by Israel. Lots of them have revenge on their minds. You cannot ask a Palestinian to think "So my brothers and family members are killed and wounded. My home is blown up. I had nothing to do with that. But I will accept it stoically and pretend it did not happen." The hate will exist forever.
You're mistaken. Palestinians are returning to their ruins by the hundreds of thousands- and no condemnation of the only organization that promises them freedom from the cancers of Zionist Israel and America. The more they suffer the stronger their resolve becomes.
They do not think like any people stupid enough to elect Tromp.