Today's atrocities by genocidal Jews in occupied Palestine

The Holocaust eliminated 40% of Jews worldwide. The war in Gaza to date has resulted in the loss of less than half a percent of Gazans (and that includes Hamas operatives), a tenth of a percent of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, a hundredth of a percent of Arabs, and .0002% of Muslims worldwide.
90% of Polish Jews died
65% of European Jews died
40% of all Jews died
0.5% of Gazans have died
0.01% of Palestinians have died
0.001% of Arabs have died
0.0002% of Muslims have died
Unless your attitude is, “any Arab death at all as a result of the Gaza War is evidence of genocide,” which I suspect it is, there is simply no reason to accuse the Jews of genocide, unless you just really hate Jews.
It was ' the Shoa ', dumbass - and six million Jews died while fourteen million other minorities died in the Holocaust.

Jews are committing a genocide in Palestine. They won't get away with it- no matter how large the bribes in Congress and the Senate or the extent of the compromising material held by MOSSAD and used to blackmail US politicians.
Yes, I are a fucking idiot, dumber 76.

The Congress and the president have seen the videos of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants.
Nope, they sure as shit haven’t. Either have you. Nor anybody. Just fucking made up to enflame people even more.

You could look it up, but you’re too fucking lazy and too invested in the lie to admit it.

It was ' the Shoa ', dumbass - and six million Jews died while fourteen million other minorities died in the Holocaust.

Jews are committing a genocide in Palestine. They won't get away with it- no matter how large the bribes in Congress and the Senate or the extent of the compromising material held by MOSSAD and used to blackmail US politicians.
Ignorant Moron Schmuck the word shoah is the Hebrew word for the english word Holocaust
It was ' the Shoa ', dumbass - and six million Jews died while fourteen million other minorities died in the Holocaust.

Jews are committing a genocide in Palestine. They won't get away with it- no matter how large the bribes in Congress and the Senate or the extent of the compromising material held by MOSSAD and used to blackmail US politicians.
That Islam "death to the infidels" Holocaust business with Christian "serve the Pope or die" no matter how much oil bribes total for genocide are is just business as usual to suicidal homicidal human farming super egos sociopsychopathilogical irrationality......
Ignorant Moron Schmuck the word shoah is the Hebrew word for the english word Holocaust
Dumbass genocidal pseudo-Jew.....' Shoah ' pertains to the Jewish suffering- ' Holocaust ' is the term for all twenty million victims.
Extremist Jews would like to ring-fence the term as a Jew-only event. Selfishness is their obsession. They are disgusting.
Dumbass genocidal pseudo-Jew.....' Shoah ' pertains to the Jewish suffering- ' Holocaust ' is the term for all twenty million victims.
Extremist Jews would like to ring-fence the term as a Jew-only event. Selfishness is their obsession. They are disgusting.
Shoah is the Hebrew word for “catastrophe”. English-speaking countries more commonly use the word Holocaust,
Dumbass genocidal pseudo-Jew.....' Shoah ' pertains to the Jewish suffering- ' Holocaust ' is the term for all twenty million victims.
Extremist Jews would like to ring-fence the term as a Jew-only event. Selfishness is their obsession. They are disgusting.
“Holocaust” is the English term and “Shoah” the Hebrew term used to describe the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany during World War II.

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Don’t start a war unless you can finish the war.

Israel will remain extant long after the cockroaches in the terrorist group, Hamas,are smashed.
“Holocaust” is the English term and “Shoah” the Hebrew term used to describe the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany during World War II.

'Shoah ' is the Jew-specific element of the Holocaust which accounted for 6,000,000 Jews. ' Holocaust ' is the entire event in which 20,000,000 minority people were exterminated , including the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews.
Try getting the Jews to mention the other 14,000.000 victims.
Extremist Jews would like to ring-fence the term as a Jew-only event. Selfishness is their obsession.
As it happens, some Gazan civilians participated in Hamas’s invasion of southern Israel; others cheered at the sight of brutalized men, women and children—bound and bloodied—being hauled into the Strip for use as sex slaves and bargaining chips. Still others held and tormented hostages in their homes.

Meanwhile, a whopping 80% of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) support Hamas and lauded the massacre.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.