It would be nice to see you "cut & paste" a single quote and citation that support you.
All you have is your divorced from constitutional principles ignorant reading, polluted by your political agenda.
And that ain't worth anything.
While I "cut & paste" the Supreme Court saying:
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not a right granted by the constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence."
You have nothing to quote to support your fantasy that the right to arms
does flow from the words of the 2nd and is
entirely dependent upon the Constitution for its existence.
You say I'm floundering but I'm having no difficulty supporting my points with verifiable sources nor am I struggling in rebutting every single point you make.
You on the other hand are foundering, failing at every attempt to make a point and evading, not rebutting the points made to you.
You are a total fail in constitutional debate and that failure is an unavoidable consequence of you being irreparably wrong . . . About everything.
And again I'll ask because you've ignored it multiple times now:
What does the 9th Amendment mean to you?
What does the word "retained" in the 9th Amendment mean to you?
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Your ridiculous line of reasoning dismisses and ignores the 9th and you then go to an even more absurd place for the 2nd Amendment and argue that the enumeration of that right can be used to deny and disparage the right.