Todays rightwing aggrievement

Trump was impeached twice.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

In the Western US, in particular, the cost of lost wages and other related economic costs due to increased travel times outweighed the fuel savings. Then, the predicted fuel crisis didn't materialize adding even more reasons not to drive 55.
It's much the same thing with masks. There is no clear evidence they helped in any substantial way, but the cost of them along with other mandated actions caused an incredible economic loss to the nation. Now with no new wave of China Disease as predicted, and the population increasing being vaccinated, the mask mandate has completely outlived its usefulness.

Guess why the fuel crisis didn't materialize.

Take a wild guess.

Could it be because of the 55mph speed limit?

Or could it be because production from Iran was shut off, and then resumed at only limited capacity with no security of production quotas.

Perhaps the price of oil was driven to wild swings and thus uncertain. Conservation was wise at the time. This allowed the pump price to stabilize and ensure there would be enough for everyone, not just the richest who could afford any pump price.

Perhaps the uncertainty of supply led to the USA waking up to the fact that we had become dependent of foreign energy. Maybe we didn't like that. Maybe it was wise to mobilize our own measures to prove that we could survive without Iranian oil. After all, we made it through WWII by rationing oil. Why couldn't we do that again? Had we become addicted to foreign oil and thus vulnerable? Jimmy Carter was one of our greatest presidents. It is amazing what he accomplished in 4 years. It was a big mistake for us to replace him with Reagan.

Carter was spot-on in everything he did.

We would not have another president so clean and scandal-free until we elected Barack Obama.
There is this thing I've noticed about some Republicans.

They claim that common sense measures favored by Democrats were not needed because they were successful, so the things they were meant to deal with were somehow not a problem. Because the measures worked.

Three instances come to mind.

#1. The Voting Rights Act of 1965. The conservatives of the SCOTUS argued that because the VRA worked, it was no longer needed. So they gutted it. Now look at all the problems we are having with access to voting.

Because the VRA worked so well, conservatives argued it should be ended.

#2. The oil crisis of 1979. Iran went into revolution, their oil supply was cut and uncertain, forcing pump prices to skyrocket. President Jimmy Carter wisely reduced the national speed limit to 55mph to conserve fuel to ensure there would be enough for everybody. Selfish conservatives resented having to do the patriotic thing and instead preferred to let the market sort it out and survival to the richest.

Because the 55mph limit was effective, ultra conservatives argue it should not have been done.

#3 The Coronavirus pandemic. Democrats and wise conservatives support mask-wearing, but once again, the selfish Republicans who only think of themselves and really don't care what happens to the rest of the nation want to pretend masks don't work. Hunh. They should insist that ER doctors stop wearing them if they feel so strongly about that.

Because masks have been effective, anti-maskers argue we shouldn't use them.
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