New York rocks. Greatest state in the union. The fringe right are a joke in NY as Paladino proved in 2010. He was hilarous and we all appreciated the show and he got three votes. We're not going anywhere and the great thing about us is we don't give even the tiniest fuck what people in the fly over states "think" (a rather grandiose word for their lower-intestine based emoting). We're better than you. It's something we always know and it usually goes unsaid. Sometimes one of you will be stumbling about with your big mouths hanging open and a little drool coming down one side, obliviously blocking paths,and we just look past you and catch each other's eyes, acknowledging our superiority over you with a small, fast, smirk before continuing on our superior ways. We will grudgingly accord some respect to a vistor from MA or CA, but the names of the other places you plebes live in mostly escape us and we waive them all off as "one of those shit states...not Mississippi" Unless it is Mississippi. Then we just say, that shithole, you know, Mississippi...and we all nod knowingly and then smirk again.