Tolerance Goes Two Ways

I cannot for the life of me understand why such questions are allowed to be asked in the first place. I believe it is more to do with ambushing the contestants and generating publicity for the self important pompous Perez Hilton.

Perez Hilton is an ass.

In that interview he says that he would appreciate if she left her politics (and relgion) out of the answer. Well, excuse me Mr. Asshole Hilton, you introduced the politics into the question not her. Hilton is a moron and should never be allowed to act as a judge in such a competition again.

I cannot for the life of me understand why such questions are allowed to be asked in the first place. I believe it is more to do with ambushing the contestants and generating publicity for the self important pompous Perez Hilton.

Hilton was grandstanding but another judge wrote the following comment on her blog and got death threats over it. I wonder how Prejean's supporters justify that behaviour.

"If Carrie Prejean is against gay marriage, she certainly has that right, but, if it was her intention to be MISS USA (and I think it was) why not answer that question with diplomacy & heart? Sometimes, (pageants & politics, to name a few) we have to be mindful of using a platform in a hurtful way, like international television (The Miss USA PAGEANT was seen by over 7 million viewers in the U.S. alone, & in at least 121 different countries) Yes, Miss USA should be beautiful, be physically fit, & look great in a swimsuit, she also has to be able to think on her feet & answer any question thrown at her in an articulate & non-offensive manner. Outwardly, Miss California was wonderfully prepared, & in many ways, she looked the part of Miss USA. It has occurred to me that the all-knowing power of the Universe took over the final 15 minutes of the Miss USA telecast. What were the odds that Perez Hilton, an openly gay man, who insisted on writing his own question, would have his name randomly selected by Miss California? Thank goodness, or thank the universe for this horrible if Miss California USA's lack of good judgement had not been disclosed until it was too late? Maybe it's true, & maybe everything really does happen for a reason. It is my opinion that MISS USA must have social grace.... Miss California USA does not. "
She answered honestly, which was her big mistake.

Hilton was grandstanding but another judge wrote the following comment on her blog and got death threats over it. I wonder how Prejean's supporters justify that behaviour.

"If Carrie Prejean is against gay marriage, she certainly has that right, but, if it was her intention to be MISS USA (and I think it was) why not answer that question with diplomacy & heart? Sometimes, (pageants & politics, to name a few) we have to be mindful of using a platform in a hurtful way, like international television (The Miss USA PAGEANT was seen by over 7 million viewers in the U.S. alone, & in at least 121 different countries) Yes, Miss USA should be beautiful, be physically fit, & look great in a swimsuit, she also has to be able to think on her feet & answer any question thrown at her in an articulate & non-offensive manner. Outwardly, Miss California was wonderfully prepared, & in many ways, she looked the part of Miss USA. It has occurred to me that the all-knowing power of the Universe took over the final 15 minutes of the Miss USA telecast. What were the odds that Perez Hilton, an openly gay man, who insisted on writing his own question, would have his name randomly selected by Miss California? Thank goodness, or thank the universe for this horrible if Miss California USA's lack of good judgement had not been disclosed until it was too late? Maybe it's true, & maybe everything really does happen for a reason. It is my opinion that MISS USA must have social grace.... Miss California USA does not. "
Hilton was grandstanding but another judge wrote the following comment on her blog and got death threats over it. I wonder how Prejean's supporters justify that behaviour.

"If Carrie Prejean is against gay marriage, she certainly has that right, but, if it was her intention to be MISS USA (and I think it was) why not answer that question with diplomacy & heart? Sometimes, (pageants & politics, to name a few) we have to be mindful of using a platform in a hurtful way, like international television (The Miss USA PAGEANT was seen by over 7 million viewers in the U.S. alone, & in at least 121 different countries) Yes, Miss USA should be beautiful, be physically fit, & look great in a swimsuit, she also has to be able to think on her feet & answer any question thrown at her in an articulate & non-offensive manner. Outwardly, Miss California was wonderfully prepared, & in many ways, she looked the part of Miss USA. It has occurred to me that the all-knowing power of the Universe took over the final 15 minutes of the Miss USA telecast. What were the odds that Perez Hilton, an openly gay man, who insisted on writing his own question, would have his name randomly selected by Miss California? Thank goodness, or thank the universe for this horrible if Miss California USA's lack of good judgement had not been disclosed until it was too late? Maybe it's true, & maybe everything really does happen for a reason. It is my opinion that MISS USA must have social grace.... Miss California USA does not. "

I guess the judges in these things only want dumb blondes who smile and give good head in these contests, because it is obvious they don't want them to think for themselves.

Who has taken the California bimbos rights? Freedom of speech /= immunity from criticism.

Let me ask you this, if I had been the judge and asked one of contestants as to her faith and then voted against anyone who did not have the same as me, would you say that was fair? Keep in mind that she did not get up on the stage and start railing against homosexuality. This gay blogger/judge had to ask her about her opinion regarding gay marriage. Her answer, though awkward, was in my opinion an attempt to be respectful but say that for her the concept of marriage should be between a man and a woman. That made the gay blogger go into a rage, what did he want? Did he want her to lie? I am sorry, but in this case it is those who want everyone to think (believe) the same way that are the intolerant. There are those who only want others to reaffirm what they want to believe. Be honest, doesn't she have the right to think that it is wrong?
It's not her belief that annoys me. It's the bolded part of her comment: "And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman."

She may speak for herself and her family but she doesn't speak for the country. Her words could have been better chosen but now she simply looks like the kind of narrow, intolerant conservative we hear so much from on RW radio and news sites.

I know that she did not word her answer well, but most people are not skilled orators. After (shall we say) numerous speaking engagements I am a fair communicator, but that only came with a lot of practice. I say this because she seemed to have stumbled with some of her words. True, I would have worded it different myself, but then the only beauty contest that I could be in would be for the blind.
Hilton was grandstanding but another judge wrote the following comment on her blog and got death threats over it. I wonder how Prejean's supporters justify that behaviour.

"If Carrie Prejean is against gay marriage, she certainly has that right, but, if it was her intention to be MISS USA (and I think it was) why not answer that question with diplomacy & heart? Sometimes, (pageants & politics, to name a few) we have to be mindful of using a platform in a hurtful way, like international television (The Miss USA PAGEANT was seen by over 7 million viewers in the U.S. alone, & in at least 121 different countries) Yes, Miss USA should be beautiful, be physically fit, & look great in a swimsuit, she also has to be able to think on her feet & answer any question thrown at her in an articulate & non-offensive manner. Outwardly, Miss California was wonderfully prepared, & in many ways, she looked the part of Miss USA. It has occurred to me that the all-knowing power of the Universe took over the final 15 minutes of the Miss USA telecast. What were the odds that Perez Hilton, an openly gay man, who insisted on writing his own question, would have his name randomly selected by Miss California? Thank goodness, or thank the universe for this horrible if Miss California USA's lack of good judgement had not been disclosed until it was too late? Maybe it's true, & maybe everything really does happen for a reason. It is my opinion that MISS USA must have social grace.... Miss California USA does not. "

This is the problem of intolerance, it only brings out harsh reaction. I am not saying that any group is better at being tolerant, but it needs to be a two way street. Here is a little picture for you.

She answered honestly, which was her big mistake.
Trump trumped everyone today and reinstated her as Miss California. He also pointed out quite correctly that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave the same basic answer that she did during the 2008 presidential campaign, thus exposing the hypocrisy of the gay rights movement.