Tom Tomorrow nails it

it'll never happen anyway. oprah and jon stewart are gonna be real pissed if they have to present the conservative side to thier politcs on their shows....along with about 90% of the rest of the shows that support liberal political issues. hollywood's gonn be very unhappy with those restrictions.
Imagine films like Lethal Weapon IV when this suddenly applies....

You want to return to the "golden age" when the spin could be called "reporting" and nobody got the other side. I do not.

LOL, now it is all about editoralizing and sensationalizing of all "news" storys instead of just reporting the news. But then that is apparently what you like.
You want to return to the "golden age" when the spin could be called "reporting" and nobody got the other side. I do not.

LOL, now it is all about editoralizing and sensationalizing of all "news" storys instead of just reporting the news. But then that is apparently what you like.
I like getting the news from several sources and enjoy hearing differing views, yes. I like the variety that currently exists and prefer not returning to the past on this one.
I prefer just the facts / news not any hype/spin or specultaion. It is my job to analyze it and form my own opinion. I guess most people are too lazy to do that now-a-days and just wait for someone to tell them what and how to think.
It's why I said "imagine"... I just forgot the "if"... Quit pretending I use "fearmongering" regularly.
Oh I did not say you used fearmongering regularly, just in this case ;)
All those issues with the fairness doctrine were resolved years ago and it was working pretty smoothly. It just stood in the way of the republicans controlling the media and there fore the minds of the people.
I prefer just the facts / news not any hype/spin or specultaion. It is my job to analyze it and form my own opinion. I guess most people are too lazy to do that now-a-days and just wait for someone to tell them what and how to think.
The problem is you never get "just the facts". As I explained before the semantics of an article, how the person writing it puts the "facts" down can lean a story in a particular direction. Therefore you get a spin even when "just the facts" are reported, you just don't have any recourse as to what kind of spin you get when the media is overwhelmingly of one political bent.
Oh I did not say you used fearmongering regularly, just in this case ;)
All those issues with the fairness doctrine were resolved years ago and it was working pretty smoothly. It just stood in the way of the republicans controlling the media and there fore the minds of the people.
No, it stood in the way of Republicans having any voice in the media which was overwhelmingly populated by Democrats who would write their stories using their semantics that would spin it in that direction. Just choice of words can change the face of a story even when it supposedly includes "just the facts".

Hence it is my assertion that it is the "golden age" you wish to return to. Such a conservative stance!
How far would you be willing to go? Would sites like the one that publishes Tom Tomorrow have to have equal time with one about Liberals?

Don't be ridiculous. The government doesn't control publishing, private media, or free speech.

The fairness doctrine only applied to the public airwaves (network television, radio bandwidth), which are owned by the american people. As property of the american people, we can expect our property to be operated in a fair manner with equal time given to all sides.
you just don't have any recourse as to what kind of spin you get when the media is overwhelmingly of one political bent.

Absolutely. Sounds like you are coming around to my side on the fairness doctrine issue.
Don't be ridiculous. The government doesn't control publishing, private media, or free speech.

The fairness doctrine only applied to the public airwaves (network television, radio bandwidth), which are owned by the american people. As property of the american people, we can expect our property to be operated in a fair manner with equal time given to all sides.
The internet is also "public". It is why I asked the question. Where would this line be drawn?
you just don't have any recourse as to what kind of spin you get when the media is overwhelmingly of one political bent.

Absolutely. Sounds like you are coming around to my side on the fairness doctrine issue.
No, it sounds like you only want the one side, a return to that glorious age when the Liberals controlled the media spin and there was no recourse for those with a differing opinion. That you pretend not to know that the media is dominated by writers/reporters that are liberal is only because you know it would benefit you if you got this back. Rather than several sources of information we would once again have only the one.
Right, like Cable TV then? The internet is a product of the Arpanet, it is why the UN wanted to wrest control away from the US government. It is both public and private enterprises in a fantastic mix.
The internet is also "public". It is why I asked the question. Where would this line be drawn?

Radio and Network TV broadcast on the public airwaves.

The worldwide web is provided to consumers over privatley owned infrastructure. The technology of the internet, which was invented by the government, is public domain. But not the means of transmission.
The internet is also "public". It is why I asked the question. Where would this line be drawn?

So the public owns the backbone network, routers, DNS, etc ? I think not it's infrastructure is pravately owned. Unlike the broadcast EM spectrum stuff like TV and Radio.
Right, like Cable TV then? The internet is a product of the Arpanet, it is why the UN wanted to wrest control away from the US government. It is both public and private enterprises in a fantastic mix.

Seriously, Damo - don't you understand what the fairness doctrine was?

cable would not be subject to the fairness doctrine. Its provided to consumers through private infrastructure, and does not use the public airwaves.
Radio and Network TV broadcast on the public airwaves.

The worldwide web is provided to consumers over privatley owned infrastructure. The technology of the internet, which was invented by the government, is public domain. But not the means of transmission.
Like I said, much like Cable Television. Would the "Fairness" Doctrine apply there?