

Worst gambler ever
I think I'll spend all day at the beach, maybe have a couple of mai tai cocktails, take a gander at some scantly clad females, jump in the sea, and get a tan.

Retirement rules. :cof1:
Your retirement.............

is mo betta than mine...the lakes are frozen..and no bikinis are to be had...but the beer is still cold and the steaks are a cookin'...on the bbq when the cold shit hits...have a great day tomorrow though...***sigh***
Yeah, the only thing going on in Western WA (and along the Pacific Coast) is effing rain! My hometown sustained 90 year record flooding on sunday and in general there was a ton of flooding all throughout the region! :(
Yeah, the only thing going on in Western WA (and along the Pacific Coast) is effing rain! My hometown sustained 90 year record flooding on sunday and in general there was a ton of flooding all throughout the region! :(

I loved my time in Seattle. Lake City isn't the best of neighborhoods, but it was a place to hang my hat while I enjoyed ther rest of the sound.

But this place is beyond. I might end up back in Western Washington, but I'll certainly dig my time here as well.
Are you literally retired?

At what point in your plans do you intend to take a women in your arms and ravish her (with sex)?

Just make sure it's voluntary. Rape is frowned upon in modern society (troublesome, I know).
Are you literally retired?

At what point in your plans do you intend to take a women in your arms and ravish her (with sex)?

Just make sure it's voluntary. Rape is frowned upon in modern society (troublesome, I know).

No, I'm not retired. I'm actually just taking a few months off before I get back to the grind.

And the women will come, it'll happen - I'm not worried about it.

And we're all aware of the potential pun, so calm down.
You mean - you mean - the women will COME?!!?1!?1 LOL HAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!! OMGZ COMING COMING COMING THE WOMEN COME!!1/1?1!?1!?

(You know I couldn't help it Beefy :()
lol. I made that band with that girl I said I was in love with a while back. She never really did anything and dropped out after a while. She always had my exact sense of humor though, loved the name, and that's why I kept it. Too bad she doesn't talk to me anymore except in "Yeah"'s and "Uh-huh"'s. Else I'd have a bass player. Ah, screw bass players. I might call one guy up and have him do lead guitar, while I do the crazy chord variations. I doubt it though.

It's a solo act. Mainly I come up with folksy stuff and I don't record half of what I play. I remember this really great take of one song concept I made once, and whenever I got done I realized I didn't have the mic plugged in. I couldn't EVER do it again. I eventually just gave up. Same thing with the song I posted on myspace - I'd love to make a version that didn't have so many mistakes, but I improv-ed the whole thing, and I'd never be able to do it that well again.

The next thing I'm going to put up is a cover off "I'm so lonesome I could cry", maybe tommorrow. So you'll be able to hear me sing for once, but not with any original. I actually tend to do sing baritone country pretty well.
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You should keep on recording. Keep the juices flowing.

Seriously there's cool talent there. Refine it.
37c tomorrow here. Bastard heat when you have to take the bus to work and home again.

I like mai tais but damn they give me a headache later. You Americans, you have really low alcohol beer (apart from the boutique types) but you manage to down really strong liquor. I don't get it. I went drinking (here) with a couple of USAF blokes once, Jim Beam, years ago. Never touched it again after I recovered.
37c tomorrow here. Bastard heat when you have to take the bus to work and home again.

I like mai tais but damn they give me a headache later. You Americans, you have really low alcohol beer (apart from the boutique types) but you manage to down really strong liquor. I don't get it. I went drinking (here) with a couple of USAF blokes once, Jim Beam, years ago. Never touched it again after I recovered.
That's freaky hot.
I hate it. A couple of days ago in the far north of the state (inland, desert area) one of the towns recorded 45c. It's earl;y summer. We usually don't get these stupid temps until about February which is the hottest part of our summer. It's looking ugly.
I hate it. A couple of days ago in the far north of the state (inland, desert area) one of the towns recorded 45c. It's earl;y summer. We usually don't get these stupid temps until about February which is the hottest part of our summer. It's looking ugly.
I hope you have good air conditioning...
37c tomorrow here. Bastard heat when you have to take the bus to work and home again.

I like mai tais but damn they give me a headache later. You Americans, you have really low alcohol beer (apart from the boutique types) but you manage to down really strong liquor. I don't get it. I went drinking (here) with a couple of USAF blokes once, Jim Beam, years ago. Never touched it again after I recovered.

Liquor in America is usually 40% to 50% alcohol. There are a few brands that have higher content than that, but those are mainly used by people who just want to get fucking drunk and don't care about taste.

Maybe you're talking about liqueur? That's what we call stuff with about 20% alcohol content.
I hope you have good air conditioning...

Got evaporative ducted cooling, it works okay up to about 40c and then it labours a bit and it's time to get the wet sponge out. When it's humid I just use the ceiling fans, the evap doesn't work at all of course.