Tom's tutu dance


other than politics what do you have against tom? or is politics the be all end all with you? Im not being facetious, I would like to know
other than politics what do you have against tom? or is politics the be all end all with you? Im not being facetious, I would like to know

Other than being a stoopie why do you ask such stoopie questions? I'm being rhetorical, I don't really think you know.
how does it feel to talk like a 7 year old?

Sorry, I was condescending to your level Mr. changes his name and plays at being grown-up. How about you ask Tom the same question you ask me...hum? Or how about darla or the rest? It's obvious to anyone over 7 that there exists much animosity 'tween a group of us and for you to single me out to pose your obviously stupid question shows your bias run along and play your games and let me play mine.

Oh btw, no hard feelings asshole :)
Sorry, I was condescending to your level Mr. changes his name and plays at being grown-up. How about you ask Tom the same question you ask me...hum? Or how about darla or the rest? It's obvious to anyone over 7 that there exists much animosity 'tween a group of us and for you to single me out to pose your obviously stupid question shows your bias run along and play your games and let me play mine.

Oh btw, no hard feelings asshole :)


You can't be serious.
LOL~~~yeah I'll act grown-up when the rest of ya "I'd hit anything" alcoholic, name calling pretenders do...k

Wow! You are serious! One thing about me, grind, mott, captain..... a lot of us here who have known each other for a very long time is that we're almost never serious. Well, mott can get serious but he never lets things get under his skin like you do. Just a tip. This is an anonymous, faceless political message board who's primary purpose is for entertaining political junkies like you and me. It shouldn't go beyond that. Frankly, even though I can mouth off from time to time, I genuinely do not dislike anyone here, even slightly.
Wow! You are serious! One thing about me, grind, mott, captain..... a lot of us here who have known each other for a very long time is that we're almost never serious. Well, mott can get serious but he never lets things get under his skin like you do. Just a tip. This is an anonymous, faceless political message board who's primary purpose is for entertaining political junkies like you and me. It shouldn't go beyond that. Frankly, even though I can mouth off from time to time, I genuinely do not dislike anyone here, even slightly. really are hard put to make shit out of shinola!

The very posters that I do dislike, mr inserts himself into a "what was my own sense of humor thread" is that they dislike me equally well. I also have posters that I have known for a very long time who I joke with~~~

What gets under my skin? Hint: only hypocrites...really.

Now go make fun of Dixie some more and let me make fun of Tom...k
Sorry, I was condescending to your level Mr. changes his name and plays at being grown-up. How about you ask Tom the same question you ask me...hum? Or how about darla or the rest? It's obvious to anyone over 7 that there exists much animosity 'tween a group of us and for you to single me out to pose your obviously stupid question shows your bias run along and play your games and let me play mine.

Oh btw, no hard feelings asshole :)

its your thread, you were posting in it, you were the one online. now why wont you answer my question?
why is it a stupid question? I am curious as to what history you have to treat him with such vitriol. Is it just politics or did he do something really bad? I haven't said you were wrong to treat him the way you do, I just want to know the reason for it.