Tonight, I had to bury our dog...


Staff member
This afternoon my youngest accidentally let the dogs out, they both ran down the driveway and out on to our dirt road, where one of them was hit by a truck. His death was instant. Thankfully.

I will miss him.

I spent the next four hours digging in the hardest dirt to bury him where my daughters wanted.

They too will miss him.

I hope his journey to his next life is swift and sure. He was a good dog.

Raven Humphrey Dumpster Born March 1998, Died September 27, 2007...
I thank all of you that posted in here, even those who posted on 9/28/07 when the database was lost and I had to restore from my latest backup.

It was a real comfort to know that others had such compassion and sympathy.
I thank all of you that posted in here, even those who posted on 9/28/07 when the database was lost and I had to restore from my latest backup.

It was a real comfort to know that others had such compassion and sympathy.
It's like losing a family member, I know. :(

Great name, though. Was that your doing or one of your daughters'?
Yeah, I'm really going to miss that annoying little braggart... :D

We've been sitting around with the kids telling stories about him.

Funny how the 'stories' help firm up our memories, enjoy them, and feel more at peace. Same for pets and people that we love. My dad's best friend called me last night, just to say he missed him. He also wanted to remind me that it's been 3 years since my mother died, as of 9/28.

Now that my nephew is married and in physical, speech, and occupational therapy, we've time to remember about my dad. What a few weeks it's been:

Last Saturday was Jay's wedding.

The Friday of the week before he was again released from the hospital.

The Wednesday of that week, he had his first grand mal seizures as a result of the surgery.

The day before he was released. The previous Thursday was his 10 hour brain surgery.

The Thursday before we found out he had a brain tumor, encased by a cyst.

The day before that, was my dad's funeral. The day before his wake, after which my nephew told us about how numbness in his arm was moving to his legs-he was to see a neurologist after the funeral.

The Friday before, my dad died, with my son, my nephew, and his fiance with him.

The Saturday before he went into the hospital, with pneumonia. I started school the Monday before.

In order to figure out the day it is, I have to work backwards.
Im so sorry to hear about all this Runyon.

There is not much one can say when life is so baring down on a person.

I guess all I can say is I feel for you and hope you find some solace in the days ahead. Life sometimes just seems to come at us all at once.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping for you and your family at this pressing time.

Hang in there Buddy.
I'm sorry Damo. I understand how you guys feel though. Its always hard losing a pet. They really do become part of the family. I hope your kids are doing okay.
sorry damo.... I have had to bury six dogs, two cats and one bird in the past 20 years and every one of them broke my heart.
sorry damo.... I have had to bury six dogs, two cats and one bird in the past 20 years and every one of them broke my heart.

I should have posted more personal on topic, sorry if I'm wallowing, I guess I am. I've had two dogs I truly loved and had to say goodbye to. As I said in my initial post, like Damo, I found that telling stories of why they were so great, eased the heartache. Eased, not eliminated. I still miss them.

Again, as in the first post I made, same is true of the humans we love, but moreso.
I should have posted more personal on topic, sorry if I'm wallowing, I guess I am. I've had two dogs I truly loved and had to say goodbye to. As I said in my initial post, like Damo, I found that telling stories of why they were so great, eased the heartache. Eased, not eliminated. I still miss them.

Again, as in the first post I made, same is true of the humans we love, but moreso.

but given the short life span of dogs and cats, we do not usually have to deal with the deaths of as many humans who we love until much later in our life. I am 57 years old, and I can think back on five really close and important comtemporaries and one parent that have died in my entire life.
but given the short life span of dogs and cats, we do not usually have to deal with the deaths of as many humans who we love until much later in our life. I am 57 years old, and I can think back on five really close and important comtemporaries and one parent that have died in my entire life.

I'm a half decade younger. :clink: I agree. My mom, dad, uncle the priest, my mom's sister, my sister. That's it for those that really impacted my life. There were others, but little impact.

Whoops, not a small one. Three of my friends from childhood. One a girl who developed a bleeding problem from colitis. Another my first boyfriend, spoiled rotten and killed in the Corvette he was given for turning 16. Last a friend that was diagnosed with leukemia, a week before high school graduation, but died 2 days before.
and how many beloved pets?

Tinkerbell, Terri, Inky, Caleb, Zen, Maggie, Fiona, Buddha, Lola, Bo, Lucy, Larry, Willie... dear friends, all.
and how many beloved pets?

Tinkerbell, Terri, Inky, Caleb, Zen, Maggie, Fiona, Buddha, Lola, Bo, Lucy, Larry, Willie... dear friends, all.

Well my first dog, Taffy, lived until my first year of college. I came home the following year and got Snoopy. Taffy was a Cocker with with all the papers. Smart dog, would turn its back on us when returning from an outting she was not included in. Favorite memory: About 8 months before she died, she managed to snag the Prime Beef Roast meant for Sunday dinner. She ate nearly all of the 3 pounds of it. Needless to say, she was sick afterwards.

Snoopy was a mutt. Part spaniel, more parts unidentifiable. But happy and much less high strung than Taffy. She was hit by a car at about a year and a half, but no long term effects, once we had her neutered afterwards.

Favorite memory: Driving home from picking up my brother from country club he was caddying at, took a sharp left and Snoopy flew out of the window she was hanging out of, very busy intersection. Poor thing, we went to get her and her head was turning in circles, just like a cartoon! Picked her up, drove home and she bounded out of the car. Next day, clamoring to go for a ride!
Damo I'm so sorry. I know too, too well what it's like. Last Wednesday was the first anniversary of my darling border collie Bonnie's death; she was young, healthy, and should have been indestructible. I came home from doing the Humane Soc. shots clinic to learn that she had swallowed something she couldn't handle, probably trying to keep it from her Aussie "brother". She was 14 months old. Every time I prepare to arrange for her grave marker I still break down. You don't get over it, but at least the times between tears become longer.

I do recommend that when you're ready, please consider getting another dog. He/she won't replace your dog; each one is unique, but there is a void there that can't be filled in any other way.

Runyon, I can't begin to express my sympathy for what you're going through now.
Me...I really don'tknow what to make...........

of all this...I have lost many pets and family in my lifetime...replaced many pets...not too much so for family..that would be a hard for death well we all are on this use on old planet I deal with it the best I can...I choose to believe in God and what the afterlife means...

So I told my kids when I die....have a party...remember me for the good times...bury me in a cheap casket so it won't impact your finances...I will have moved on to a better place and will be waiting for y'all to join the endless party...hey thats just me...but I feel the pain of non-believers!...not that I want to share it with you and all...but I still feel for you!:)
Damo I'm so sorry. I know too, too well what it's like. Last Wednesday was the first anniversary of my darling border collie Bonnie's death; she was young, healthy, and should have been indestructible. I came home from doing the Humane Soc. shots clinic to learn that she had swallowed something she couldn't handle, probably trying to keep it from her Aussie "brother". She was 14 months old. Every time I prepare to arrange for her grave marker I still break down. You don't get over it, but at least the times between tears become longer.

I do recommend that when you're ready, please consider getting another dog. He/she won't replace your dog; each one is unique, but there is a void there that can't be filled in any other way.

Runyon, I can't begin to express my sympathy for what you're going through now.

Border collies and Aussies are my two favorite dogs. I think it would be sweet to own one of each at the same time.