Tonight, I had to bury our dog...

I should have posted more personal on topic, sorry if I'm wallowing, I guess I am. I've had two dogs I truly loved and had to say goodbye to. As I said in my initial post, like Damo, I found that telling stories of why they were so great, eased the heartache. Eased, not eliminated. I still miss them.

Again, as in the first post I made, same is true of the humans we love, but moreso.
Very much moreso. You surely have my sympathy for what you are currently going through.
Very much moreso. You surely have my sympathy for what you are currently going through.

Thanks for not being mad, I think perhaps I'm becoming obsessive, seeing connections where there aren't any. Lest I stop, Jay is back in the hospital, seems he had an allergic reaction to some anti-seizure drug. The neurosurgeon hopes no more than a day or two. He has made phenomenal progress in therapy the past week.

In any case, as bad as my 'connection' may have been, I think it does illustrate how owning pets are a very good thing, especially to help children understand the life process. From birth, love, to death. Pets give so much to make our lives better.
My son's hamster almost died twice (he forgot to feed it too many days) but we nursed it back to health both times.