Tony Blair, One World Religion

The Bible says it will happen. Read Revelation 17, where it talks about the mother of harlots and abominations. This is the one-world religion headed up by the Antichrist.

Pope John Paul II was a foreshadow of the Antichrist. Ironically, I've met many Catholics who agree with me on this issue. They say JPII was an antipope.
Stfu Brent.

You're as bad as my acid-crazed friends who think the world is ending in 2012 because of some Mayan prophecy.
Stfu Brent.

You're as bad as my acid-crazed friends who think the world is ending in 2012 because of some Mayan prophecy.

Why should I shut up about plans for a new global totalitarian theocracy?Consider new realities, and appraise them for yourself, instead of just being a little ass-monkey, intelletual follower.
Why should I shut up about plans for a new global totalitarian theocracy?Consider new realities, and appraise them for yourself, instead of just being a little ass-monkey, intelletual follower.

Or you could shut up.

And I wasn't even talking to you, if you didn't notice.
Or you could learn to recognize the formation of global theocracy. It's sad that trying to shut down conversation is all you have up your idiot-sleeve.

And it's sad that trying to interject yourself into other people's conversations is all you have up yours.
Could you name a few of these global elite for me AssHat?

I could, but then what will you do? Deny the exitence of an elite? Do events in the world just occur randomly? That's the thinking of a child. People are in control; those people are the global elite.
The only people on this site who can outdebate me are Dungheap and on his good days Damo. Before AC left he could wipe the floor with me too.

You wouldn't even be a challenge.
The only people on this site who can outdebate me are Dungheap and on his good days Damo. Before AC left he could wipe the floor with me too.

You wouldn't even be a challenge.

Au contraire. AHZ routinely fists you on this forum, as he does with all his opponents.
The only people on this site who can outdebate me are Dungheap and on his good days Damo. Before AC left he could wipe the floor with me too.

You wouldn't even be a challenge.

You debate?

Can you point me to the thread, I must have missed it?
You debate?

Can you point me to the thread, I must have missed it?

I'll admit it's rare lately. I did a good bit about the Heller case.

I only do it if it's 1) an issue I'm interested in, 2) someone whose opinion I respect, 3) a time that's convenient for me, and 4) if I'm not high.

It is rare when all 4 occur simultaneously.

Most of the time I'm just trying to make someone mad or mock some particularly stupid poster.
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