Tony Snow


Well, it's reported that his cancer has come back, and it's in his liver. So that sounds pretty bad.

I really dislike the turd, and this is a sad turn of events, because now I feel sorry for him and will have to stop calling him "that sociopathic lying POS that bush calls a press secretary".

I am tempted to email Rush Limbaugh and ask him if he thinks that Snow having liver cancer, is an attempt to "jump-start bush's presidency", since he stated that Elizabeth Edward's press conference about her cancer was an attempt to jump-start the Edward's campaign. However, I'm just going to let it go. That fat bastard is a rare minority, and truly has no heart.
Well, it's reported that his cancer has come back, and it's in his liver. So that sounds pretty bad.

I really dislike the turd, and this is a sad turn of events, because now I feel sorry for him and will have to stop calling him "that sociopathic lying POS that bush calls a press secretary".

I am tempted to email Rush Limbaugh and ask him if he thinks that Snow having liver cancer, is an attempt to "jump-start bush's presidency", since he stated that Elizabeth Edward's press conference about her cancer was an attempt to jump-start the Edward's campaign. However, I'm just going to let it go. That fat bastard is a rare minority, and truly has no heart.

Rush has no soul.

I feel bad for Tony Snow, or anybody who has cancer. Cancer is a really crappy way to die. It's horrible. I can think of few worse ways to die.

Yeah, over on FP a couple of Neocons were claiming that Edwards was exploiting his wife's cancer. That's really despicable.
Rush has no soul.

I feel bad for Tony Snow, or anybody who has cancer. Cancer is a really crappy way to die. It's horrible. I can think of few worse ways to die.

Yeah, over on FP a couple of Neocons were claiming that Edwards was exploiting his wife's cancer. That's really despicable.

Were they really??? I didn't think that any real person would say that, just Rush. Wow.

I feel really sorry for him too. I hope he recovers, but liver cancer...I don't know.
Rush has no soul.

I feel bad for Tony Snow, or anybody who has cancer. Cancer is a really crappy way to die. It's horrible. I can think of few worse ways to die.

Yeah, over on FP a couple of Neocons were claiming that Edwards was exploiting his wife's cancer. That's really despicable.

I don't understand how you can feel anything but sympathy for someone who has to go through that.

Unless its Rush.
I don't understand how you can feel anything but sympathy for someone who has to go through that.

Unless its Rush.
Just because I may feel sympathy for their suffering does not mean that they cannot use such suffering for personal gain.

I could see a person who would use it so that anybody saying anything bad about them would be called "despicable" as above.

I am not saying that is what Edwards is doing. Personally I think he and his wife believe him to be indispensible, and the only proper choice for President, and therefore see no choice but to continue.
Were they really??? I didn't think that any real person would say that, just Rush. Wow.

I feel really sorry for him too. I hope he recovers, but liver cancer...I don't know.

Rush did not say that. That's how it was reported, and that's how he predicted it would be reported, but that's not what he said.
I feel no more sympathy for Snow that any other person with cancer that I do not know. Perhaps less since he covers for Bush.

Could one wonder about divine intervention here ?
Rush did not say that. That's how it was reported, and that's how he predicted it would be reported, but that's not what he said.

This is a clip, directly from the Rush show, of him saying the words "jump start the campaign"

And below is the clip where he says this:

"[M]ost people, when told a family member's been diagnosed with the kind of cancer Elizabeth Edwards has, they turn to God. The Edwards turned to the campaign. Their religion is politics and the quest for the White House."
And in listening to it myself,. that is in fact Trog, precisely what the bag of shit said. That the Edwards campaign leaked to the Politico that he was going to drop out because of Elizabeth's diagnosis. (no evidence of this whatsoever), to "jump start the campaign".

Now, I don't know what semantics game you are playing, or what particular word you are jumping on, but the bag of shit said that, and you can go listen to it. Maybe he didn't say "the" but said "then" instead.

Whatever. Semantics. :)

This is a clip, directly from the Rush show, of him saying the words "jump start the campaign"

And below is the clip where he says this:

"[M]ost people, when told a family member's been diagnosed with the kind of cancer Elizabeth Edwards has, they turn to God. The Edwards turned to the campaign. Their religion is politics and the quest for the White House."
I don't need an audio clip. I was listening to the show live that day (Thursday afternoon driving home from Daytona), and listening intently because I disagreed with Rush on this, and yes I heard those very words - in context of all the surrounding discussion.

I disagree with Rush that Edwards should drop his campaign. This is their second bout with cancer, they know how they reacted and worked together last time, and have made a decision together - a decision that is right for them. Even with that said, and my disagreement, the press is still misrepresenting what he said.
I don't need an audio clip. I was listening to the show live that day (Thursday afternoon driving home from Daytona), and listening intently because I disagreed with Rush on this, and yes I heard those very words - in context of all the surrounding discussion.

I disagree with Rush that Edwards should drop his campaign. This is their second bout with cancer, they know how they reacted and worked together last time, and have made a decision together - a decision that is right for them. Even with that said, and my disagreement, the press is still misrepresenting what he said.

Hmm. I listened to quite a bit of it, this clip isn't just that sentence. I interpreted it in the way I presented it. Perhaps it's in the ear of the listener.
And in listening to it myself,. that is in fact Trog, precisely what the bag of shit said. That the Edwards campaign leaked to the Politico that he was going to drop out because of Elizabeth's diagnosis. (no evidence of this whatsoever), to "jump start the campaign".

Now, I don't know what semantics game you are playing, or what particular word you are jumping on, but the bag of shit said that, and you can go listen to it. Maybe he didn't say "the" but said "then" instead.

Whatever. Semantics. :)

I am not playing semantics, the left just plain got it wrong (again). Rush did NOT say this was done (as a tactic) to jump start the campaign, but he did say that it would have that effect. The press is working on the first premise - "Rush thinks it's all just a trick to jump start the campaign," when in fact Rush spoke on the second part - That this is legitimate and sad news, and it will jump start the campaign, though that is not why the statement was offered. Hell, he even predicted the smearing and blurring that would occur in the reportage of his comment. He nailed it, too.
Hmm. I listened to quite a bit of it, this clip isn't just that sentence. I interpreted it in the way I presented it. Perhaps it's in the ear of the listener.
I listened to all three hours that day. It was Rush or "yet another station preaching false theologies about Jesus" on the radio, pick one.
Just because I may feel sympathy for their suffering does not mean that they cannot use such suffering for personal gain.

I could see a person who would use it so that anybody saying anything bad about them would be called "despicable" as above.

I am not saying that is what Edwards is doing. Personally I think he and his wife believe him to be indispensible, and the only proper choice for President, and therefore see no choice but to continue.

Just because I may feel sympathy for their suffering does not mean that they cannot use such suffering for personal gain.

this is a fairly despicable thing to say damo, with all due respect.

I've never known a single human being, who used cancer for personal gain.
I am not playing semantics, the left just plain got it wrong (again). Rush did NOT say this was done (as a tactic) to jump start the campaign, but he did say that it would have that effect. The press is working on the first premise - "Rush thinks it's all just a trick to jump start the campaign," when in fact Rush spoke on the second part - That this is legitimate and sad news, and it will jump start the campaign, though that is not why the statement was offered. Hell, he even predicted the smearing and blurring that would occur in the reportage of his comment. He nailed it, too.

Trog, I'm not "the left", I'm a person, and I listened to this clip. And in it, I heard Rush make the claim, with absolutely no evidence, that the Edwards campaign leaked, what ended up being false info, to The Politico, that he was going to drop out of the race because his wife was sick, in order to excite interest in his press conference, and "jump-start" his campaign.

So maybe later on in the broadcast he said something different, but the fact remains, that he did say this. And I don't know how you take this accusation that made "out of context". He made the accusation. I heard it.
Just because I may feel sympathy for their suffering does not mean that they cannot use such suffering for personal gain.

this is a fairly despicable thing to say damo, with all due respect.

I've never known a single human being, who used cancer for personal gain.
That it might be despicable to do is clear, but to understand that some people could does not make me despicable. The idea that another can actually do something that I find despicable does not make me despicable.
Trog, I'm not "the left", I'm a person, and I listened to this clip. And in it, I heard Rush make the claim, with absolutely no evidence, that the Edwards campaign leaked, what ended up being false info, to The Politico, that he was going to drop out of the race because his wife was sick, in order to excite interest in his press conference, and "jump-start" his campaign.

So maybe later on in the broadcast he said something different, but the fact remains, that he did say this. And I don't know how you take this accusation that made "out of context". He made the accusation. I heard it.
The Politico reoprter did print that the Edwards campaign had leaked to him, and Rush reported The Politico's claim. He did not make the claim and notedd the source of the claim. The Politico later printed a retraction and apology. Rush also talked about that retraction and apology.

Granted I do not have perfect lstening ability, and may have missed something because I was formulating counterarguments to the later discussion of "continue / quit" in my head.
That it might be despicable to do is clear, but to understand that some people could does not make me despicable. The idea that another can actually do something that I find despicable does not make me despicable.

Sorry. I didn't mean you personally were despicable.

I find the concept that Edwards did this for personal gain, despicable. I don't really belive that even you think, in your heart, that Edwards decided that his wife's cancer would be a great boost to his campaign. I don't even think that thought crossed his mind. I don't think any human being, with a moral center, would even entertain that thought for even a nanoseconc.