Tony Snow

Sorry. I didn't mean you personally were despicable.

I find the concept that Edwards did this for personal gain, despicable. I don't really belive that even you think, in your heart, that Edwards decided that his wife's cancer would be a great boost to his campaign. I don't even think that thought crossed his mind. I don't think any human being, with a moral center, would even entertain that thought for even a nanoseconc.
I specifically stated that I didn't think that Edwards was doing this. I believe that Edwards and his wife believe that he is the only person for the job, that nobody can fill his shoes. It is nice that she believes in him so much. It won't change that I don't personally think he ever will be the right man for the job, nor my belief that no matter what my wife thought I would be spending time with her rather than running for a position such as this that would take me from her.
The Politico reoprter did print that the Edwards campaign had leaked to him, and Rush reported The Politico's claim. He did not make the claim and notedd the source of the claim. The Politico later printed a retraction and apology. Rush also talked about that retraction and apology.

Granted I do not have perfect lstening ability, and may have missed something because I was formulating counterarguments to the later discussion of "continue / quit" in my head.

The Politico reported that someone "very close to Edwards" was the source, not the Edward's campaign.

As far as the continue or quit thing, I can't even believe it's an issue. I've spent a year watching someone die, and what got me through it, I believe, was work. The people I worked with and the laughter and refuge I would find there. One of my brothers, who at the time had a small business out of his home, had a nervous breakdown. Lost his business, nearly lost his family. He rebounded, but it took over a year. I believe the difference between us, was, I had someplace to go to every day.

Sitting home, waiting to die. Not a good idea. Worse thing in the world. She might very well live! She might live. But I am convinced that if she sat home with nothing except thoughts of death to occupy her, that then she would not live.
I listen to music and think that ALL talk radio is crap.

usc I am with you there! I've got to have my music and I do not listen to talk radio for that reason. Even at work, a good part of the day, I have my ipod in one ear. (one ear empty so that I can hear my phone or intercom).

I love music. It keeps me up, and it keeps your blood pressure down, I'm convinced of it. Reduces stress. I think we should start a thread of best music lyrics. Right now, I'm listening to "Once bitten, twice shy" by great white, and I think that

"I didn't know you had a rock and roll record,
Until I saw your picture on another guy's jacket"

has to be up there. lol
The Politico reported that someone "very close to Edwards" was the source, not the Edward's campaign.

As far as the continue or quit thing, I can't even believe it's an issue. I've spent a year watching someone die, and what got me through it, I believe, was work. The people I worked with and the laughter and refuge I would find there. One of my brothers, who at the time had a small business out of his home, had a nervous breakdown. Lost his business, nearly lost his family. He rebounded, but it took over a year. I believe the difference between us, was, I had someplace to go to every day.

Sitting home, waiting to die. Not a good idea. Worse thing in the world. She might very well live! She might live. But I am convinced that if she sat home with nothing except thoughts of death to occupy her, that then she would not live.

this is so true. Why are we even talking abut this? This is such a stupid issue for the rightiwng to bring up.

One of my siblings had cancer, and he and his wife both continued to work, until the end when he had to go into hospice.
The Politico reported that someone "very close to Edwards" was the source, not the Edward's campaign.

As far as the continue or quit thing, I can't even believe it's an issue. I've spent a year watching someone die, and what got me through it, I believe, was work. The people I worked with and the laughter and refuge I would find there. One of my brothers, who at the time had a small business out of his home, had a nervous breakdown. Lost his business, nearly lost his family. He rebounded, but it took over a year. I believe the difference between us, was, I had someplace to go to every day.

Sitting home, waiting to die. Not a good idea. Worse thing in the world. She might very well live! She might live. But I am convinced that if she sat home with nothing except thoughts of death to occupy her, that then she would not live.
Specifically, I was rebutting the idea that one simply has to stay home and wait to die. I despise that idea. One of the pyscological elemetns that the long-lived tend to have is a forward looking frame of mind - what am I going to do tomorrow? It's all fine and dandy for Rush to express his view of what he would do, but I think it poor taste to think that it's the solutoin for everyone else.
Specifically, I was rebutting the idea that one simply has to stay home and wait to die. I despise that idea. One of the pyscological elemetns that the long-lived tend to have is a forward looking frame of mind - what am I going to do tomorrow? It's all fine and dandy for Rush to express his view of what he would do, but I think it poor taste to think that it's the solutoin for everyone else.

Well I agree...he's not the only one expressing this thought though. It surprises me, and I personally think it comes from mostly people who have had zero experience with death, and further, have no imagination.
It is not necessary to stay at home and wait to die to spend more time with your spouse. When my father and grandmother were dying I didn't quit my job, but I also didn't begin one that would take me futher from them and cause even more stress to them.

This is just a personal preference. I said before, and I meant it, I wouldn't judge Edwards poorly because of a choice they made together.
Specifically, I was rebutting the idea that one simply has to stay home and wait to die. I despise that idea. One of the pyscological elemetns that the long-lived tend to have is a forward looking frame of mind - what am I going to do tomorrow? It's all fine and dandy for Rush to express his view of what he would do, but I think it poor taste to think that it's the solutoin for everyone else.

Yeah, I sure would not like to go on an all guys trip with my DR's Viagra. Rush can keep his ideas.
It is not necessary to stay at home and wait to die to spend more time with your spouse. When my father and grandmother were dying I didn't quit my job, but I also didn't begin one that would take me futher from them and cause even more stress to them.

This is just a personal preference. I said before, and I meant it, I wouldn't judge Edwards poorly because of a choice they made together.

Oh yeah, I didn't mean you, you know.

I get what you've been saying. Stress does worsen an illness, or a condition. I mean, that part of it, is a tough call. But for her, this seems to be what she wants, and it might in the end, keep her alive. She obviously has a passion for it. That might negate any stress she undergoes because of it.
Poor Tony .

He and his family have a hard row to hoe.

Tony commited no crimes he is just a spokesman, its a job.

I would not have taken it but he did.

He has a place in the history books , he has done his job well.

I hope the very best outcome of this for him and his loved ones.

I wouldnt even wish this fate on Bush.
Poor Tony .

He and his family have a hard row to hoe.

Tony commited no crimes he is just a spokesman, its a job.

I would not have taken it but he did.

He has a place in the history books , he has done his job well.

I hope the very best outcome of this for him and his loved ones.

I wouldnt even wish this fate on Bush.

He did take the job though. I feel no pity for him. Among those who believe in the devil, would any feel pity for me if I worked for him ?

His children may deserve pity, but his wife also married him....
Poor Tony .

He and his family have a hard row to hoe.

Tony commited no crimes he is just a spokesman, its a job.

I would not have taken it but he did.

He has a place in the history books , he has done his job well.

I hope the very best outcome of this for him and his loved ones.

I wouldnt even wish this fate on Bush.

Contrary to modern perception, lying for money is still wrong.
Wrong , yes it is.

How many people in slaes do it every day?

Tony is in sales.

Bush is the one who designs and produces the product.