Too many Americans are lazy and stupid

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Yes, you do.

Statement on the Elementary Secondary Education Authorization Bill

December 18, 2001

Washington, DC - U.S. Senator John McCain today made the following statement regarding the Elementary Secondary Education Authorization Bill (ESEA):

"One of the most important issues facing our nation continues to be the education of our children. Providing a solid, quality education for each and every child is critical not only to the prosperity of our nation in the years ahead, but also to ensuring that all our children reach their full potential.

Unfortunately, we can no longer take for granted that our children are learning to master even the most basic skill of reading. A recent survey reported that less than one-third of fourth- graders in America are "proficient readers."

In fact, forty million Americans cannot fill out a job application or read a menu in a restaurant much less a computer menu. In this high-tech information age, these Americans will be lost and that is unacceptable.

In addition, American children lack basic knowledge of their nation's cultural and historical traditions. For example, a recent report indicated that half of American high school seniors did not know when Lincoln was president; did not know the significance of "Brown v. Board of- Education"; and had no understanding of the aims of American foreign policy, either before or after World War II."

More of those "inflammatory" facts.

"The US Department of Labor predicts 130,000 new information technology jobs each year for the next decade. Yet American colleges are producing only 25,000 graduates in computer science a year, 40 per cent fewer than in the 1980s, and only 20,000 electrical engineering graduates, one-third fewer than a decade ago.

Although many high-tech jobs do not require such degrees, the decline in computer and engineering degrees can only aggravate whatever shortage exists.

Estimates put the number of information technology jobs going unfilled in the United States at more than 350,000, and rising fast.

The Department of Labor projects that the demand for computer systems' analysts, engineers, and scientists will double in less than a decade, from 1.5 million to more than 3 million.

Many of the skilled trades are currently facing a shortage of workers and the number of people needed to fill these jobs is expected to increase dramatically over the next several years.

While immigrants are less than 10 per cent of the US population, they comprise 30 per cent of research and development scientists and engineers with PhDs. More than one-third of the engineers in Silicon Valley are foreign born.
Are there lots of fat americans? No doubt about it. Should our education system be better? Of course.

On a global scale, are we worthy of the scorn from this troll? Absolutely not.
Well I agree there but I try to be open minded about constructive criticism. I believe in American exceptionalism but only to an extent. To be the best we must recognize our short comings and failings and strive to improve upon them.
Do you actually think the jobs are off-shored because we can't provide something? The jobs are off-shored because the people elsewhere will work for much less,and the regulations and taxes are far lee.

The OP had few facts and was written to be inflammatory. "Instead of learning the skills needed to advance themselves, these obese oafs spend their days and nights texting and otherwise wasting time" is not a factual offering but a generalization.

And "Gen Stupid"? That is factual? It is inflammatory bullshit, nothing more.


"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

And you post mostly copy & paste and then spend more time arguing at others than actually discussing the topic. You fit the description to a 'T'.

That's not completely true Winter. Lot's of US Companies are off shoring jobs because, frankly, that's where the business is and not only that but that's where the talent is. It's not just always about cheap labor. I know the company I'm working for has out sourced a lot of jobs, in recent years, because that's where the market for their products are and as such, it makes more business sense to manufacture and distribute those products where they are being sold.

I think that outsourcing and the decline of manufacturing jobs due to technological advances is a bit of an over stated problem. Many of those jobs are replaced by the entreprenuers who create new and more profitable industries. I think a much deeper problem in our nation is the top 1% who are not invested in productive business but in gambling vast sums of money in the financial sector in which they jeapardize the entire national economy. It's a shame when a Goldman Sachs fails but we can live with that and that's Goldman's tough luck. It's a catastrophe though when Goldman Sach's fails and they take out the entrepreneurs with them, when they go.
... large numbers of the students were making their way through college with minimal exposure to rigorous coursework, only a modest investment of effort and little or no meaningful improvement in skills like writing and reasoning.

In a typical semester, for instance, 32 percent of the students did not take a single course with more than 40 pages of reading per week, and 50 percent did not take any course requiring more than 20 pages of writing over the semester. The average student spent only about 12 to 13 hours per week studying — about half the time a full-time college student in 1960 spent studying, according to the labor economists Philip S. Babcock and Mindy S. Marks.

Not surprisingly, a large number of the students showed no significant progress on tests of critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing that were administered when they began college and then again at the ends of their sophomore and senior years.

If the test that we used, the Collegiate Learning Assessment, were scaled on a traditional 0-to-100 point range, 45 percent of the students would not have demonstrated gains of even one point over the first two years of college, and 36 percent would not have shown such gains over four years of college.
And what political discussion do you think will change the eating habits or sedentary nature of many americans?

I have no problem with discussions of issues. I dislike trolls and those who dance away from question, but demand that their questions be answered.

BTW, if you want nothing but serious discussions you are in the wrong place.

I see an individual that starts a lot of threads that generate a lot of good discussian. I see someone with not just strong leanings but strong thoughts and facts to back up those leanings.

I see a lot of lazy people who call him a troll because it is the path of least resistance from what I can gather.

I resent the troll title, since it seems always to be bestowed by righties as an alternative to having to think or defend their precarious positions.
it is clear legion created this thread as an autobiography of his and dune's life together, either as separate lovers or voices in his head

I see an individual that starts a lot of threads that generate a lot of good discussian. I see someone with not just strong leanings but strong thoughts and facts to back up those leanings.

I see a lot of lazy people who call him a troll because it is the path of least resistance from what I can gather.

I resent the troll title, since it seems always to be bestowed by righties as an alternative to having to think or defend their precarious positions.

they rarely generate strong discussion, he starts troll threads and then makes troll posts with the sole intent to piss people off. he rarely engages in debate, 95% of his posts are cut and paste articles from hack opinion pieces. whenever someone actually makes a good point that he doesn't agree with, he always ignores it and resorts to cut and paste spam. that you think he backs his opinions up with logic and thought is extremely hilarious and says much about you.

your staunch defense of him is telling. you feel slighted when legion is slighted, if someone makes a thread making fun of him or a post, you feel you have to come to his rescue. the big bad dune coming to poor wittle legion's rescue.
they rarely generate strong discussion, he starts troll threads and then makes troll posts with the sole intent to piss people off. he rarely engages in debate, 95% of his posts are cut and paste articles from hack opinion pieces. whenever someone actually makes a good point that he doesn't agree with, he always ignores it and resorts to cut and paste spam. that you think he backs his opinions up with logic and thought is extremely hilarious and says much about you.

your staunch defense of him is telling. you feel slighted when legion is slighted, if someone makes a thread making fun of him or a post, you feel you have to come to his rescue. the big bad dune coming to poor wittle legion's rescue.

Nice that you paraphrase the big bad Dune to make your point wittle yurtsie.
I have no problem posting in anybody's threads, even Ice Dancer. Epic hardly needs any help from me, I post what I see as true.
Calling someone a troll because you have nothing better to say is still stupid.
You and your butt buddies are just worried because someone agrees with Epic and now you are questioning your own stupidity (by stupidity I meant beliefs).
Nice that you paraphrase the big bad Dune to make your point wittle yurtsie.
I have no problem posting in anybody's threads, even Ice Dancer. Epic hardly needs any help from me, I post what I see as true.
Calling someone a troll because you have nothing better to say is still stupid.
You and your butt buddies are just worried because someone agrees with Epic and now you are questioning your own stupidity (by stupidity I meant beliefs).

two peas in a pod with big bad internet tough guy dune defending little weak legion troll....maybe it is your other personality. legion will now obsess for weeks over his idiocy in thinking i did not know the article was about NZ. it is comical that you two trolls can't see i talked about the US separate from the article,'re as smart bfgrn! lol

and trust me, no one who believes epic is legion cares one wit for what you think. and i would not be surprised if some or most did not consider you a troll or legion as well. seriously, you don't have to defend legion at every step....that is what his mom is for
"doctors at the children's hospital are calling for the Government to "stop pussy-footing" and legislate for child booster seats in cars."
Hey, Yurt, more outrageous reports....from New Zealand! Better post something about it!

legion equating booster seats with abortion....yeah...real intelligent

hey, genocide is occurring in africa....let's not discuss it because it didn't happen here....yeah, you are not trolling
"... last night's foul weather was brought about by a trough moving north over the South Island and into the lower part of the North Island..."
OMG! Better check it out, Yurt. It could happen here, next.

nice....legion is now equating abortion with many more threads are you going to discuss that thread in? 20?

it is hilarious how you routinely ignore my points when they prove you're wrong, but when you think you can insult me, you pay very close attention

no wonder dune thinks you're so smart and he is so proud of you, two peas in a pod