Too much anger


Verified User
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.

You're back! Was really worrying about you, what with the pandemic and all. Everything okay with you and yours?
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.

I studiously tend to ignore the irate and psychotic here, and typically only read the posters who can write decent English, and have good, interesting, or entertaining insights.

That works out to about 12 posters.

I believe I have always been good at never letting other people's toxic emotions effect the way I am feeling.

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
--> Marcus Aurelius
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.

Pretty simple. This is a politics forum. If you don't want to discuss politics use another forum.
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.

Seneca was wise. Agreed. Most of the angry people on JPP are either venting or displaying displaced aggression toward others on the forum.
Pretty simple. This is a politics forum. If you don't want to discuss politics use another forum.

It's not the subject matter but how the matter is discussed. People who just sling names or regurgitate sound bites aren't discussing politics. They are just venting about their sad, pathetic lives. Most have a victim mentality.

...and that covers a large majority of the membership.
I studiously tend to ignore the irate and psychotic here, and typically only read the posters who can write decent English, and have good, interesting, or entertaining insights.

That works out to about 12 posters.

I believe I have always been good at never letting other people's toxic emotions effect the way I am feeling.

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
--> Marcus Aurelius

The irate and psychotic can be the most fun! :thup:

The downside of the Internet democracy; everyone, even the wackos, have an equal say. LOL


Anger consumes you and takes all the joy out of life.

Yes, it certainly can.

And by the posts on this site, extreme anger blinds one to the truth and one can be led to believe all sorts of lies and absurdities.

Frightening, as well, how it leads many to the violence we see in this country right now.

Hateful thoughts lead to hateful words lead to hateful actions.
Yes, it certainly can.

And by the posts on this site, extreme anger blinds one to the truth and one can be led to believe all sorts of lies and absurdities.

Frightening, as well, how it leads many to the violence we see in this country right now.

Hateful thoughts lead to hateful words lead to hateful actions.

Go use another forum. No one will miss you.
Yes, it certainly can.

And by the posts on this site, extreme anger blinds one to the truth and one can be led to believe all sorts of lies and absurdities.

Frightening, as well, how it leads many to the violence we see in this country right now.

Hateful thoughts lead to hateful words lead to hateful actions.


As for the violent, they are often the most crazed or most stupid.