Too much anger

I see increased radicalization in this country. Comments on this board validate that.
I see it too but, like the vast majority of JPP members, most are all talk.

Notice all the talk about crime, shootings, riots, burning, blah, blah, blah then look outside. How many on JPP have seen this violence?

People are unhappy but they aren't so unhappy they'll give up everything they have and risk prison or death as the nutjobs who were violent during the BLM protests or the traitors/terrorists/criminals on 1/6.

A main part of the problem is the Internet where truth and lies are seen in the same light. As this forum demonstrates, not everyone has the critical thinking skills to determine which is which.
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.

Wow. Good to see ya, Domer. Where you been?

Anyway, too much anger CAN be a bad thing. But if anger motivates one to can, as Martha Stewart might say, be a good thing.

Half the anger I see here is just pretense. I'm often laughing my butt off when expressing my anger. I suspect that is more common than we think.
Wow. Good to see ya, Domer. Where you been?

Anyway, too much anger CAN be a bad thing. But if anger motivates one to can, as Martha Stewart might say, be a good thing.

Half the anger I see here is just pretense. I'm often laughing my butt off when expressing my anger. I suspect that is more common than we think.
Most anger is venting. Sure, they might laugh, but further inquiry often proves whether they are playing or truly angry. Most, IMO, are truly angry out of fear and frustration.

Agreed anger can be a good thing, but only as a motivator. When it clouds judgement, it becomes a bad thing. Most people (e.g. those venting) have clouded judgement.
Wow. Good to see ya, Domer. Where you been?

Anyway, too much anger CAN be a bad thing. But if anger motivates one to can, as Martha Stewart might say, be a good thing.

Half the anger I see here is just pretense. I'm often laughing my butt off when expressing my anger. I suspect that is more common than we think.

I’m not referring to the type of anger that motivates. I’m referring to the rage out there that blinds one to reality. That incites violence. That leads to draconian legislation.

One man’s pretense is another man’s truth. Coupled with willful ignorance, that’s a major problem with the internet today.
I’m not referring to the type of anger that motivates. I’m referring to the rage out there that blinds one to reality. That incites violence. That leads to draconian legislation.

One man’s pretense is another man’s truth. Coupled with willful ignorance, that’s a major problem with the internet today.

Agreed for the most part.

Truth is truth. There are different views, but the problems come in when idiots claim opinion as fact and become violent when others disagree.
It's not the subject matter but how the matter is discussed. People who just sling names or regurgitate sound bites aren't discussing politics. They are just venting about their sad, pathetic lives. Most have a victim mentality.

...and that covers a large majority of the membership.

Years ago I saw knock down, drag out fights on a hummingbirds/butterflies board.

True story
He's the obnoxious turd that came on here a while back spreading bile and bullshit far and wide. Now the fucker is tired of it, good then he can fuck off back to Boise and stay there.
he probably went to get some more piss and vinegar
No more for me. Sucks the life out of one.

"Everything hangs on one's thinking... a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is." — Seneca

Or as angry as he has convinced himself to be.
Anger consumes you and takes all the joy out of life.

He's the obnoxious turd that came on here a while back spreading bile and bullshit far and wide. Now the fucker is tired of it, good then he can fuck off back to Boise and stay there.
Disagreed on your assessments of Domer. IMO both Sawyer and Tom are projecting their own bile and bullshit onto others.

Angry people aren't happy people. The interest for me is why Sawyer and Tom are so unhappy. Is it because they think they are losers? I know Tom lives under a Pedophile King in Thailand, an oppressive tyrant.

I suspect Sawyer fits the standard JPP demographic of an bitter, impotent elderly Euro-American male waiting to die. It taints his world view like a turd taints a punch bowl at a birthday party.
I’m not referring to the type of anger that motivates. I’m referring to the rage out there that blinds one to reality. That incites violence. That leads to draconian legislation.

One man’s pretense is another man’s truth. Coupled with willful ignorance, that’s a major problem with the internet today.

the demmycrat party.......