Too old?

Is she too old to be president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Only conservatives can be too old to be president

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Only men can be too old to be president

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Iran crisis was only one thing. Carter was president during what turned out to be the end of the rampant inflation of the 1970's. In fact, timing can be everything. Inflation ended during Reagan's term due in part to the oil crash and the housing downturn. Basic supply and demand economics ended the double digit inflation of the 1970's and replaced it with the recession of the 1980's. It was the 1970's that really caused Keynesian economics theory to fall from favor, as the new term Inflationary Recession was coined around 1970. Of course, since then, we've revised our standards for what is acceptable unemployment, so that the high unemployment of that time is now the low unemployment goal of today.

Back to timing. It is often more a matter of when a president is elected that determines his perceived success. Clinton was a terrible president, but he happened to be there during the Internet boom that drove the stock market to unsustainable levels. It was clear then that the next president would be there for the burst of the bubble. It could easily have been Gore, and the Republican party would be much more popular now than it is. Bush was also a bad president. He and Clinton had in common that they were both essentially legal draft dodgers of the time of the Vietnam war and neither had ever had a real job. Otherwise, Bush had relatively high morals (for a politician) and only moderate intelligence, while Clinton had...well, a good stage presence. The downturn of the 2000's was inevitable, but the 9/11 terrorist attack and Bush's ill-conceived response only made things worse for the U.S. economy, starting up the deficit spending for war, that Obama has accelerated for social welfare programs. Between the two of them, Bush and Obama have probably taken the U.S. economy beyond the point of possible recovery.

What we need now as a leader is an intelligent fiscal conservative. The Democrats have no one. The Republicans have become the right side of the Democrat party, and they have no one. There is no conservative party, since the Tea Party has lost its momentum and image--a condition I partly attribute to Sarah Palin, aka The Quitter. Personally, I like the Libertarian approach of Ron Paul, but Libertarian politics will not work in Washington D.C. It is too easily cherry-picked to make the economy and everything else, worse.

There. Have I offended enough people? Our nation is in deep trouble. We can't afford to continue being the world's police force, the world's dumping grounds for excess population, and a country that rewards non-work and irresponsible procreation by taxing the responsible, working minority, and borrowing from the future. We have reached Alexis de Tocqueville's predicted tipping point for Democracy, where the majority votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury. The public treasury is empty. The path we are on can only end in world starvation, world economic collapse, and possibly world war, with America the big loser. I surely don't see Hillary Clinton leading the nation away from that future!

I agree with much of what you said, except your pessimism about America's future and current state. Our best days are ahead of us.
People said Ronald Reagan was too old to be president and he was 69 when sworn in.

It's not that Hillary is too old to serve as President; she is too stupid. But then, Obama did get elected and re-elected by the low information voters thereby proving that even inexperienced, inept buffoons are capable of obtaining the biggest job in the world. How is that working for the nation?

I wonder if, after Obama has finished his term and realizes that his economic claims all proved wrong, he will actually realize that yes, he really is THAT stupid.

I think he is too arrogant to realize he is a dimwit, which is a common trait in all leftists. Yes, they really are THAT arrogant and THAT stupid.
I agree with much of what you said, except your pessimism about America's future and current state. Our best days are ahead of us.

There could be a tiny shred of truth in this but not for the dimwitted reasons you, a dullard leftist, thinks.

After the train wreck Presidency of Obama; the sheeple just might wake up to the realization that the arrogant failed leftist ideology of Democrats hasn't done any good for anyone and merely buried them under a mountain of debt and mandates, they may shun the Democrats and marginalize them for at least a decade.

Let's hope that the American sheeple grow half a brain, twice that if your own Jarod, and marginalize Democrats in the next and future elections. If not, Americas future will look no better than Detroits malaise and decline.