Took A Ride In A Tesla

My concern is charging time, not at home as you sleep but on the road as you're travelling.

Thanks to the disgusting performance of the airlines, some people like to travel by car.

I was always content to fly and only rent a car at the destination if I really needed it.
Flying sucks beyond belief, now, though, so car trips are important to some people.
Charging overnight at home is no problem, but charging on the road takes a long time, doesn't it?

I'll still pay to feed a big V8, but my generation won't be here much longer.
We've been looking at e-cars versus hybrids for Mr. Owl's next vehicle. Our standard question is "Will it get us to the St. Louis area without having to stop for the night, or several hours."

'Charging stations also vary by speed, as does each EV’s individual charging curve, but you can expect to charge your battery to about 80% in around 30 to 45 minutes.'

So, you drive for it's full range.
Stop at a charging station.
Eat your lunch - in car or in a 'restaurant'.
And your car is good for 80% of the total range.
EV's ARE the future.
Anyone who says they are not simply has LITTLE IDEA what they are talking about.

1) I LOVE, normally-aspired V8 vehicles.
I have had 3 Corvette's, 3 Mustang's, 4 Camaro's. 2 Challenger's and a Firebird (all but 4 were manual).
ALL with normally-aspirated, V8 engines.
And I have raced, open-wheel F2000 cars (only one year)...though they were obviously NOT, V8-powered.

So I know a bit about performance cars.

And EV's - though the sound is boring - have INCREDIBLE acceleration.
With no lag whatsoever.
They are PERFECT, racing engines.

They are the future for racing cars.

2) and they will - almost for certain - be the future of domestic vehicles.
Though, a new, battery technology would help (and many are in the pipeline).
And forget hydrogen - FAR too impractical.

There is one problem that most people don't seem to understand:

NO major manufacturer of automobiles or trucks wants EV's to take over.
NONE (unless you call Tesla 'major').

EV's have far less parts than IC (internal combustion) cars/trucks.
That means they need far less maintenance, repairs and parts.
And they last far longer - generally.
All this is bad for car makers.
They count on people's cars not lasting forever. And them buying new one's, fairly regularly.

Why did GM destroy every EV1 they made - back in the 1990's - if they were not afraid of EV's?
Once California cancelled the law that was the reason GM built EV1's in the first place?
Because GM was TERRIFIED that people would want more EV's.
So every one was on a lease.
And every one, GM refused to allow the owners to keep them.
So they took them all back...and crushed almost every, single one.

Also, dealers DESPISE EV's.
50+% of dealer's incomes are derived from parts and service.
They hate them even more.

And ask an owner of an auto parts store what he/she thinks of EV's?
They will hate them as well.

The ENTIRE auto industry wants nothing to do with EV's (outside of Tesla and a few others).

Now, they LOVE hybrids.
Because hybrids help them with CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), they have both an electric motor and ALL the regular IC they need even MORE maintenance parts than a regular IC does.
And, they can run huge mark-ups on them because the only people who buy them are either tree huggers or wealthier people.

Also, batteries are stillexpensive.
So it is difficult to make profits on cheaper ones.
But China does.
They sell lots of really cheap, EV cars.
But you KNOW the car makers are lobbying Washington to not let them import these cheap EV's into America.

Most auto makers DESPISE EV's.
Never forget that.
And they will only start making them for the masses when they are forced to.

And - though I am not a fan of Testa or Musk (like the cars - hate the fact that they are being propped up by the government)- they HAVE forced US automakers to at least dabble in EV's.

And if you disagree with this?
I will not waste my time reading it.
Because - on this - I am (at least mostly) right.
And you are almost certainly - mostly wrong.
And just are biased.

Oh, and before some ignoramus pipes in with some lame comment: 'well, Formula 1 is the pinnacle of motorsports. And they use hybrid engines.'
F1 is a business.
And they wanted to attract, major automakers again.
So the only way the latter would come back is if the former use hybrid engines.
Now Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, Renault, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, Honda and others have all (or are considering) enter/entering F1 since the hybrid era began.
Even though the engines cost, INSANE amounts of money and sound like shit.
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Hello Althea,

I went to a show with a friend on Saturday night. He drove. He's leasing a Tesla SUV. I didn't ask what they cost, and the vehicle somehow avoided spontaneous combustion.

The power in this vehicle far surpasses any gas/diesel powered engine. When he stomped on the gas, I was pinned to the back of the seat. I've got a turbo in two of my vehicles, and whereas they are pretty strong after that initial 1 second delay, this electric system gives you instant response with an overwhelming amount of power.

He claims that a charge is good for almost 300 miles, but if you are going to show off its power to a passenger, that mileage will be greatly reduced.
He also said that he sees no marked increase in his electric bill, and that his central air conditioning hikes his bill a lot more.

There are 3 different settings that will give you different performance, as well as different mileage/charge.

What impressed me was the screen on the dash. Clearly, Space Karen is obsessed with rocket ships. The screen is bigger than my laptop screen, and the navigation system shows a (guessing) view from an airplane that is easily a 100 mile radius. It's very easy to understand where you are, and where your destination is.

I wouldn't buy an electric vehicle for myself, though. I would buy a hybrid, though, as realizing app. 40mpg average is fine for my needs.

I was, however, impressed both by the power, and the features in this vehicle

I'm guessing it's somewhere around $100k though, but I haven't checked

I would have considered a Tesla until Musk took over twitter.

Now, if one were given to me, I would trade it away.

I want an electric vehicle but Tesla is off my list.

I can't support Musk in any way shape or form.
I went to a show with a friend on Saturday night. He drove. He's leasing a Tesla SUV. I didn't ask what they cost, and the vehicle somehow avoided spontaneous combustion.

The power in this vehicle far surpasses any gas/diesel powered engine. When he stomped on the gas, I was pinned to the back of the seat. I've got a turbo in two of my vehicles, and whereas they are pretty strong after that initial 1 second delay, this electric system gives you instant response with an overwhelming amount of power.

He claims that a charge is good for almost 300 miles, but if you are going to show off its power to a passenger, that mileage will be greatly reduced.
He also said that he sees no marked increase in his electric bill, and that his central air conditioning hikes his bill a lot more.

There are 3 different settings that will give you different performance, as well as different mileage/charge.

What impressed me was the screen on the dash. Clearly, Space Karen is obsessed with rocket ships. The screen is bigger than my laptop screen, and the navigation system shows a (guessing) view from an airplane that is easily a 100 mile radius. It's very easy to understand where you are, and where your destination is.

I wouldn't buy an electric vehicle for myself, though. I would buy a hybrid, though, as realizing app. 40mpg average is fine for my needs.

I was, however, impressed both by the power, and the features in this vehicle

I'm guessing it's somewhere around $100k though, but I haven't checked

My son has a Jaguar i-Pace and I have driven it several times. It is torque that causes the acceleration, not necessarily "power". The torque-RPM curve on an electric motor is flat. Contrast with a typical ICE which tends to be a ramp upwards followed by a curve.

I can't stand the big screen in the Tesla. Looks dumb stuck to the dash. Give me buttons.

As far as the whole e-vehicle concept goes:

They are essentially coal burners;
That 300 mile range will be cut in half in a few short years;
Less range in the winter;
Li-ion batteries require metals that are mined in 3rd World countries and disgusting working conditions;
Really dumb to use water as the cooling medium, since water reacts with lithium in an uncontrollable fire. Commercial transformers have been using oil as a coolant forever;
Size/ construction of the battery makes replacing a difficult and time consuming operation. Then add in the cost of the battery. Very few will be able to justify the cost, therefore the entire vehicle is disposable.
My son has a Jaguar i-Pace and I have driven it several times. It is torque that causes the acceleration, not necessarily "power". The torque-RPM curve on an electric motor is flat. Contrast with a typical ICE which tends to be a ramp upwards followed by a curve.

I can't stand the big screen in the Tesla. Looks dumb stuck to the dash. Give me buttons.

As far as the whole e-vehicle concept goes:

They are essentially coal burners;
That 300 mile range will be cut in half in a few short years;
Less range in the winter;
Li-ion batteries require metals that are mined in 3rd World countries and disgusting working conditions;
Really dumb to use water as the cooling medium, since water reacts with lithium in an uncontrollable fire. Commercial transformers have been using oil as a coolant forever;
Size/ construction of the battery makes replacing a difficult and time consuming operation. Then add in the cost of the battery. Very few will be able to justify the cost, therefore the entire vehicle is disposable.

What are you talking about?

Electricity is power.
Of course the care is 'powered'.
And the 'power' causes the acceleration.

And the coolest part of the Tesla interior is the big screen.


Only a dinosaur would think that screen is not FUCKING, AWESOME looking.

You probably like your cellphones like this:


We are done here.

Bye now.
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What are you talking about?

Electricity is power.
Of course the care is 'powered'.
And the 'power' causes the acceleration.

And the coolest part of the Tesla interior is the big screen.


Only a dinosaur would think that screen is not FUCKING, AWESOME looking.

You probably like your cellphones like this:


We are done here.

Bye now.

You Tesla guys, appliance driving, coal burners are funny.

Torque x RPM = power. Electricity is simply a medium.
Hello Althea,

I would have considered a Tesla until Musk took over twitter.

Now, if one were given to me, I would trade it away.

I want an electric vehicle but Tesla is off my list.

I can't support Musk in any way shape or form.
I think we're going to see a lot of that.