Top 12 Things Britain Does Better than America… that just make sense

Man, you have a real bee in your bonnet about this it seems. If you want to walk around in sandals and shorts then go ahead, just don't wear socks that is considered to be the very height of naffness.

Oh yeah. They will understand the concept of naffness. Tom, you are talking to people who model themselves on cartoon characters. They won't get 'naff' if you put it in neon.
Oh yeah. They will understand the concept of naffness. Tom, you are talking to people who model themselves on cartoon characters. They won't get 'naff' if you put it in neon.

The UK wouldn't win any awards for sartorial elegance either but socks and sandals are just hideous.
The UK wouldn't win any awards for sartorial elegance either but socks and sandals are just hideous.

I tend to agree although people in the UK may dress hideously they do know 'naff'. Even the Little Britain crowd aren't naff...unless it's in the script. But black socks (particularly) with shorts, cowboy hats, hawaiian shirts in Birmingham - unless you are of West Indian stock are naff. Of course if they could just tone things down a bit and keep their mouths closed for a little while they could get away with a lot more.
Perhaps we should send boatloads of footy strip wearing ejits to America chanting Wem-ber-lay, Wem-ber-lay, Wem-ber-lay. That'd larn 'em.
anyone who hasn't figured out yet that when government is unimpeded, tyranny ensues, needs to be left in the street with boot marks on their face.
Thanks for the article. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and absolutely loved the comments following...well except the couple of rants on guns. It seems the washer/dryer combo was most folks' point of contention with the author.

My best friend married a gal from London and moved over here with her. Besides the obvious missing of some of the things she used to get at home (like the guys sausage he couldn't get here) she loved everything here except the thunderstorms and occasional tornado....but it is Oklahoma. :) Another thing she couldn't get over but claims to have come to love was the vastness of the countryside.
BTW, my brother just returned from a visit to England where, unfortunately, his health took a turn for the worse. He had nothing but positive things to say about the National Health System. He strated having serious kidney pains on Sunday and was was able to see a specialist that very day.
BTW, my brother just returned from a visit to England where, unfortunately, his health took a turn for the worse. He had nothing but positive things to say about the National Health System. He strated having serious kidney pains on Sunday and was was able to see a specialist that very day.

Where was/is he in England?
BTW, my brother just returned from a visit to England where, unfortunately, his health took a turn for the worse. He had nothing but positive things to say about the National Health System. He strated having serious kidney pains on Sunday and was was able to see a specialist that very day.

What BULLSHIT! LMFAO You expect us to believe this!? My neighbor works with someone who knows someone who was in England and broke their leg and had to wait THREE MONTHS for a doctor. STANDING IN LINE! For three months! With a Broken leg!!
The point of the House of Lords is that there are large number of people who are not just career politicians but come from all walks of life and have actually worked in the real world.
I thought they were aristocrats who had been born into privelege with literally no understandnig of the real world for working and middle class people.
Thanks for the article. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and absolutely loved the comments following...well except the couple of rants on guns. It seems the washer/dryer combo was most folks' point of contention with the author.

My best friend married a gal from London and moved over here with her. Besides the obvious missing of some of the things she used to get at home (like the guys sausage he couldn't get here) she loved everything here except the thunderstorms and occasional tornado....but it is Oklahoma. :) Another thing she couldn't get over but claims to have come to love was the vastness of the countryside.
My wife couldn't get over that either when she first moved here. The vastness just boggled her mind. Her prior concept of US geography was Californian and "next to California".
Where was/is he in England?
The suburbs of Manchester. He's here in Columbus now. He arrived yesterday afternoon and we took him straight to the University Hospital ER where he had to wait 3 hours before he saw a Doctor and probably would have waited longer had not told them I was going to give him another oxycontin and get a 5th of bourbon for the drive and take him over to Cardinal Health. Within 10 minutes he was seen by 3 doctors but he was literally prostrate on the ER room floor with pain by that time.
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I thought they were aristocrats who had been born into privelege with literally no understandnig of the real world for working and middle class people.

As always the truth is a lot more complex, the House of Lords was made up of so called life peers appointed by the political parties and hereditary peers. Tony Blair in the half cocked manner of most of his reforms removed most of the aristos as you call them. They had to submit a short precis of around 300 words saying why they should stay on. The Liberal Democrats wanted to make the Lords 80% elected using proportional representation but that was postponed till the Autumn as they would have lost the vote. They were to have a one time 15 year term.

What is unique about the Lords is that it has some real clout and has been able to stop or amend some of the loonier legislation emanating from the Commons over the years.
As always the truth is a lot more complex, the House of Lords was made up of so called life peers appointed by the political parties and hereditary peers. Tony Blair in the half cocked manner of most of his reforms removed most of the aristos as you call them. They had to submit a short precis of around 300 words saying why they should stay on. The Liberal Democrats wanted to make the Lords 80% elected using proportional representation but that was postponed till the Autumn as they would have lost the vote. They were to have a one time 15 year term.

What is unique about the Lords is that it has some real clout and has been able to stop or amend some of the loonier legislation emanating from the Commons over the years.
Which coincides with the function of our Senate. Which is our governments least democratic institution. Still, it's also the most deliberative of our government institutions and does prevent a lot of bad laws from going into affect.
A couple of things missing from the list:

1. We don't do hugs. My goodness the thought of a barely known fat person wrapping you in his odious, odourous and purulent flesh is just too much. And then you do it in groups for chrissakes!!!
2. We do not impose 'have a nice day' demands on people who might have other plans.

So far, you are the only Brit who seems to care about people wishing them a good day. As for hugs, most Americans don't hug people they don't know. In fact I don't know of a single one who does. I haven't been hugged by somebody that I was not related to in more than 2 decades.

Just a quick FYI...

We also don't kiss cheeks like the French and most of the Americans you seem to adore in HK are representative of most Americans here. The idea that we're all boorish people who hug you is a stupid stereotype based on nothing more than a superiority complex that you should work on overcoming.

I hope you have a nice day.
So far, you are the only Brit who seems to care about people wishing them a good day. As for hugs, most Americans don't hug people they don't know. In fact I don't know of a single one who does. I haven't been hugged by somebody that I was not related to in more than 2 decades.

Just a quick FYI...

We also don't kiss cheeks like the French and most of the Americans you seem to adore in HK are representative of most Americans here. The idea that we're all boorish people who hug you is a stupid stereotype based on nothing more than a superiority complex that you should work on overcoming.

I hope you have a nice day.

If anyone hugs me I mace them! STY shoots them!
Some are huggy people and some are not. In my family there is a mixture. One of my cousins is a bear of a man, a lot bigger than my 6 foot, 220 pound self. When I see him once or twice a year I can expect to be given a bear hug that would make a hug from Gentle Ben look like a pat on the back. I, on the other hand, do not hug unless hugged. A simple handshake followed by a little private application of GermX later will suffice. :). But I always wish folks a good day...even if they don't want to have one.