Top Guns

You're right but you didn't list the order.
General and Commander-in-Chief George Washington
General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing
Admiral of the Navy George Dewey
General of the Army, General of the Air Force George Catlett Marshall
Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy
General and Commander-in-Chief George Washington
General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing
Admiral of the Navy George Dewey
General of the Army, General of the Air Force George Catlett Marshall
Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy

Oh so close. You have the right men but not the righ order of rank. Remember seniority counts too.

I'll give you a hint. Gen. Washington is first and Gen. Marshal is last.
Your right but what about the Navy?
I think the Army is ahead of the Navy. *shrug*

This is probably the order that you're looking for but I disagree with it.:

General and Commander-in-Chief George Washington
Admiral of the Navy George Dewey
Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy
General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing
General of the Army, General of the Air Force George Catlett Marshall
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they love us like they loved the guy who drove the school bus when they were kids!

the navy takes the jarheads to work.
And covers their butts and opens the doors for them. They're just like children and need an escort everywhere.
I think the Army is ahead of the Navy. *shrug*

This is probably the order that you're looking for but I disagree with it.:

General and Commander-in-Chief George Washington
Admiral of the Navy George Dewey
Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy
General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing
General of the Army, General of the Air Force George Catlett Marshall

Wrong! But you got all the right and and 3 in the right order of rank and that makes you the closest so far.
The correct answer is;

Gen George Washington - General of the Armies

Adm George Dewey - Admiral of the Navy

Gen John Persining - General of the Armies

Adm William Leahy - Fleet Admiral

Gen George Marshal - General of the Army
BTW. the more I read about Black Jack Pershing the more impressed I am with him as a military man and the more I understand why he's only ranked behind Washington in preeminence as a General. Much of what men like Marshall, Eisenhower and MacArthur learned about leading modern coalition forces they learned from Pershing as their mentor. Not even Ike faced the adversities that Pershing did in WWI integrating US forces into the allied war effort.
BTW. the more I read about Black Jack Pershing the more impressed I am with him as a military man and the more I understand why he's only ranked behind Washington in preeminence as a General. Much of what men like Marshall, Eisenhower and MacArthur learned about leading modern coalition forces they learned from Pershing as their mentor. Not even Ike faced the adversities that Pershing did in WWI integrating US forces into the allied war effort.

Too bad he was fighting a pointless war. That said, he managed to accomplish what Westmoreland could not.
This was an incredibly easy question mottley. It's listed right in wikipedia. It's difficult to come up with trivia questions that aren't walkovers in the time of the internet.
Too bad he was fighting a pointless war. That said, he managed to accomplish what Westmoreland could not.

WWI is, in my opinion, the saddest of wars. It was utter and complete pointlessness, and so many people died in it. I honestly can't even take sides in the war; if Germany had won, we wouldn't have had Hitler.
WWI is, in my opinion, the saddest of wars. It was utter and complete pointlessness, and so many people died in it. I honestly can't even take sides in the war; if Germany had won, we wouldn't have had Hitler.

I completely agree. WWI led to WWII (via the destruction of the German and Austria-Hungarian Empires), the Cold War (via the destruction of the Russian Empire), and the modern War on Wahabbism (via the destruction of the Ottoman Empire).

It subjected soldiers to the most horrific wartime conditions in history, and saw such catastrophies as 18th Century troop movements against 20th Century technology.
In the end the greater point of WWI and WWII (which was really just an extenstion of the great war) was that it spelled the inevitable doom of European colonialism. The European powers threw away two generations of their best and brightest men and have never recovered from that loss.