TOP - part deux


Regarding specifically rule 12b. So many different cases. I wasn't here but I heard SF straight up called someone a pedo. If that's true, why did he do it? Did he think he wasn't going to get a ban? And then he quits over a lousy one week ban? Who cares? Who quits over getting a one week ban?

Then you have the fact that 12 b is now being used to get rid of people you don't like. Posters here are studying the posts of people they dislike to look for any pedo implication, reporting it, and considering it a big "win" if someone gets banned.

Then you have the fact that it's so overenforced that mistakes get made. Cawacko I once PM'd you and told you, take that post down, you'll be banned. You hadn't even realized what you were implying. You aren't the only one I've sent that PM to over the years. Once I did it myself, and this was after my ban for breaking 12b (which I knew what I was doing that time). It took me a bit to realize the implication of what I had posted, and I knew I was too late, someone would have reported it. SF actually saved me that time, he totally lied to coverup for me.

Then you have what happened with Top, asking someone if they were molested. When I first heard that I said BULLSHIT that's not the rule, the rule is you can't accuse someone of being a pedo. Then I went and read the rule and said, well fuck me. It does say that. I doubt Top knew it, anymore than I did.

I have no idea what happened with Patriot, what he said, who reported it...I had him on ignore, so who knows.

IMO it's overenforced and too many are perma banned over it. But as you say, good boy that you are, the rules are the rules. LOL

"...Who quits over getting a one week ban?..."

After you had your little hissy fit and then left, you're comment was hilarious. :D
I would just like to address a few more things.

1) Dude was one of my favorite posters. Always made me laugh. As all our bans, they involve multiple mod consensus (and at least 3/4 for perma). I am bummed he had to be banned, but like all our mod rulings, whether people want to cry about it or not, we look at the text of the rule, mods debate among ourselves, we come to a consensus and we follow through without regard for who we like or don't like.

2. Some people say the rule is too strict. Consider this, even knowing that people get banned for that rule all the time, it's still violated on a near bi weekly basis by somebody. If we lightened it up a little I really fail to see how it would be an improvement. It would likely open the floodgates even more. The rule exists in the first place because it got really really really nasty here in the past. We could sit around all day discussing where the line should be drawn, but at the end of the day, we said fucking none of it. It's not something you type by accident. We give a clear objective criterea, we eliminate subjectivity so there can be no accusations of favoritism. We tell people repeatedly don't fucking go down that road.

Again, i'll quote:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT.Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

3. In spite of how harsh we are perceived on this rule, we STILL give people a fuckton of chances. Routinely if people have otherwise good history their first offense might just add up to a warning, or a very short ban. If it's a more serious first offense you are looking at 7-30 days depending on context. After that we go to 60 days. Then often another 60 day ban. Then some people even get a 120 ban. THEN comes the perma.

The dude has been banned for rule 12b a fuckton of times, and I am rather confident it's the most times out of anyone on this board. He has had multiple 60 day bans and my memory might be poor but I think he even had a 90-120.

So, there you go.
I would just like to address a few more things.

1) Dude was one of my favorite posters. Always made me laugh. As all our bans, they involve multiple mod consensus (and at least 3/4 for perma). I am bummed he had to be banned, but like all our mod rulings, whether people want to cry about it or not, we look at the text of the rule, mods debate among ourselves, we come to a consensus and we follow through without regard for who we like or don't like.

2. Some people say the rule is too strict. Consider this, even knowing that people get banned for that rule all the time, it's still violated on a near bi weekly basis by somebody. If we lightened it up a little I really fail to see how it would be an improvement. It would likely open the floodgates even more. The rule exists in the first place because it got really really really nasty here in the past. We could sit around all day discussing where the line should be drawn, but at the end of the day, we said fucking none of it. It's not something you type by accident. We give a clear objective criterea, we eliminate subjectivity so there can be no accusations of favoritism. We tell people repeatedly don't fucking go down that road.

Again, i'll quote:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT.Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

3. In spite of how harsh we are perceived on this rule, we STILL give people a fuckton of chances. Routinely if people have otherwise good history their first offense might just add up to a warning, or a very short ban. If it's a more serious first offense you are looking at 7-30 days depending on context. After that we go to 60 days. Then often another 60 day ban. Then some people even get a 120 ban. THEN comes the perma.

The dude has been banned for rule 12b a fuckton of times, and I am rather confident it's the most times out of anyone on this board. He has had multiple 60 day bans and my memory might be poor but I think he even had a 90-120.

So, there you go.

The Dude, dude. WTF
he was my stoner bro. and hilarious. it wasn't a personal decision. people are looking at this as "hurrr a liberal was banned so biased" when in actuality a good chunk of the mod team liked the dude.
This is truly a great day for JPP. The Dude AKA Topspin added nothing to debate, had only taunting insults for conservatives and always the same tire repertoire: GED, KKK, poor, or some other bullshit. He was constantly bragging about how much money he has, and how little work he does. When bested on that, he'd threaten you with violence, and lacked the balls to follow-up.

He wasn't the worst poster here, Legion and his sock Leon have long been on my ignore list.
This is truly a great day for JPP. The Dude AKA Topspin added nothing to debate, had only taunting insults for conservatives and always the same tire repertoire: GED, KKK, poor, or some other bullshit. He was constantly bragging about how much money he has, and how little work he does. When bested on that, he'd threaten you with violence, and lacked the balls to follow-up.

He wasn't the worst poster here, Legion and his sock Leon have long been on my ignore list.

I remember when you got banned, but can't remember the exact infraction.