Top ten jokes from this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Talk about Thatcherite rabbis hanging out at the BBC, waiting to be paid for denouncing Mr Corbyn for daring to be anti-Zionist. The problem would be telling frog and rabbi apart, I suppose.

If I lived in England ... I might have an inkling of what the fuck you are talking about? No disrespect, I'm sure Havana knows what the hell you are saying.
If I lived in England ... I might have an inkling of what the fuck you are talking about? No disrespect, I'm sure Havana knows what the hell you are saying.
Mr Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party. is being accused of being anti-semitic for daring to criticise 'Israel'. A whole pack of tory rabbis are being wheeled out by the BBC to try and make this drivel seem to have any reality. Trump complains about the media. He hasn't lived!
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Mr Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party) is being accused of being anti-semitic for daring to criticise 'Israel'. A whole pack of tory rabbis are being wheeled out by the BBC to try and make this drivel seem to have any reality. Trump complains about the media. He hasn't lived!

Mr Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party. is being accused of being anti-semitic for daring to criticise 'Israel'. A whole pack of tory rabbis are being wheeled out by the BBC to try and make this drivel seem to have any reality. Trump complains about the media. He hasn't lived!

Lying toad, many Labour MPs have accused Corbyn of being anti-Semitic including Frank Field, who has resigned over it, Margaret Hodge, Luciana Berger and John Mann.