Top ten places I want to visit before I die


Uwaa OmO
1. The Khyber Pass
2. Tierra Del Feugo
3. Gallipoli
4. The Guinness brewery in Dublin
5. Novogorad (formerly Stalingrad)
6. The Beretta factory in Italy
7. St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow Russia
8. Havana Cuba
9. Peleliu Island
10. Ogden Utah, home of John Mose Brownings' house and workshop museum.

If I get to see all of these places and nothing else, I can die happy.
1. The Khyber Pass
2. Tierra Del Feugo
3. Gallipoli
4. The Guinness brewery in Dublin
5. Novogorad (formerly Stalingrad)
6. The Beretta factory in Italy
7. St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow Russia
8. Havana Cuba
9. Peleliu Island
10. Ogden Utah, home of John Mose Brownings' house and workshop museum.

If I get to see all of these places and nothing else, I can die happy.

Its a good list. I especially like the John M. Browning stop.

I would add Kenya to the list, and perhaps some wilderness in India. I would put the Great Wall of China high on the list as well.

And I really want to see the northern lights at sea again. That was a profoundly moving experience.
1. The Khyber Pass
2. Tierra Del Feugo
3. Gallipoli
4. The Guinness brewery in Dublin
5. Novogorad (formerly Stalingrad)
6. The Beretta factory in Italy
7. St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow Russia
8. Havana Cuba
9. Peleliu Island
10. Ogden Utah, home of John Mose Brownings' house and workshop museum.

If I get to see all of these places and nothing else, I can die happy.

All doable. Go for it!
I'm surprised that between the two lists I have been to 50% of those places already. No Cuba though...
I'm surprised that between the two lists I have been to 50% of those places already. No Cuba though...

Hang in there, Damo. Cuba will be open for american tourists in our lifetime.

I'll meet you there for a cigar.
watermarks house
beefy's house
damocles house
captbilly's house
threedee's house
epicurus's house
ladyt's house
ib1yysguy's house
mott's house
darla's house
I would like to visit or go to (in no particular order);

#1.Go on Safari in Kenya.
#2.Take a cruise up the Amazon river
#3.Visit a casino then a cathouse in Macao
#4.Have a date with a famous Parisian courtesan at a side walk cafe on the Champs Ellysee followed by a tryst with her at a 5 star luxury hotel.
#5.Go Hiking in Denali National Park
#6.Visit Cuba where I would go deep sea fishing and then smoke a Cohiba with some aged dark rum.
#7. Ride my bicycle from the Pacific coast in San Francisco to the Atlantic Coast in Atlantic City.
#8. Celebrate Carnival in Rio.
#9. Take a road trip along the entire length of the Pan American Highway.
#10. Hike the entire length of the Appalachian trail.
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐;590878 said:
watermarks house
beefy's house
damocles house
captbilly's house
threedee's house
epicurus's house
ladyt's house
ib1yysguy's house
mott's house
darla's house

You're more than welcome. Bring tacos/pizza rolls and a fresh liver. You'll need it.
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐;590878 said:
watermarks house
beefy's house
damocles house
captbilly's house
threedee's house
epicurus's house
ladyt's house
ib1yysguy's house
mott's house
darla's house
I live in a Condo.
1. The Khyber Pass
2. Tierra Del Feugo
3. Gallipoli
4. The Guinness brewery in Dublin
5. Novogorad (formerly Stalingrad)
6. The Beretta factory in Italy
7. St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow Russia
8. Havana Cuba
9. Peleliu Island
10. Ogden Utah, home of John Mose Brownings' house and workshop museum.

If I get to see all of these places and nothing else, I can die happy.

I don't have any particular sites in mind. I do want to visit Ireland, England, Australia, and the Vatican City. Beyond those four, it might be nice to see the Panama Canal, and I agree about seeing the Guiness Brewery while in Ireland.
Monterey Bay

Belize sounds kind of random of all the Central American countries. Is there is story behind it?

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐;590878 said:
watermarks house
beefy's house
damocles house
captbilly's house
threedee's house
epicurus's house
ladyt's house
ib1yysguy's house
mott's house
darla's house

Thread Kill
I don't have any particular sites in mind. I do want to visit Ireland, England, Australia, and the Vatican City. Beyond those four, it might be nice to see the Panama Canal, and I agree about seeing the Guiness Brewery while in Ireland.

Belize is a country built around protecting it's environment above all else.