Top US general doubts Iran proof


Atheist Missionary
The most senior US military officer has said there is no proof the Iranian government has directly armed Shia groups fighting in Iraq.

Gen Peter Pace, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, appeared to contradict claims made by US officers in Iraq.

The US presented evidence this week it said proved the "highest levels" of Iran's government were supplying arms used by Shia militants in Iraq.

Gen Pace said all it proved was "things made in Iran" are being used in Iraq.

"We know that the explosively formed projectiles are manufactured in Iran," Gen Pace said while visiting Australia.

"But I would not say by what I know that the Iranian government clearly knows or is complicit."

It feels like late 2002 again, justifications being manufactured to pull us into military involvement.
The neo cons never learn and are destined to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over like a Bushog day movie....
I have been wondering on the overall intelligence level of the US voters.
If the Repubs win in 2008, I expect I will just drop out of politics and such.
I would just give up on politics and the USA, and quietly live out the remainder of my life.
Getting too old to emmigrate to NZ.
The whole Moqtada Al Sadr in Iran thing and this seem to be a runup for another undeclared war.
Didn't bush just say today that he has proof ?
Dejavu all overagain...
No, he said that he has proof that stuff is coming over from Iran, but no proof that the government is sanctioning or providing it. At least produce all of the statement before judging. I don't think he's on that path, not at this time. Previous statements notwithstanding. I think even Bush knows that before we could get an okay on war in Iran we'd need some sort of smoking gun.
This is standard bush deception and word-smithing.

In that Surge speech he gave on Iraq, he clearly stated that "Iran" was aiding and arming insurgents in iraq. To the rational, normal person, he clearly meant the Country of Iran (i.e., the goverment) was aiding the insurgents.

Bush is wordsmithing now. He can claim in response to his earlier assertions: "Well, I NEVER said the GOVERNMENT of Iran was aiding the insurgents!"
I have to agree with Cypress Damo. that is why I said Deja vu all over again. Not outright lies, but deliberate deception. That slimey bassid.
I have to agree with Cypress Damo. that is why I said Deja vu all over again. Not outright lies, but deliberate deception. That slimey bassid.

right. Its deliberate deception.

Its as if when groups of irish americans were giving aid to the IRA in the 1970s, and as a result the British Goverment claimed that the "United States was arming the IRA". The implication obviously, is that our government is doing it.

Or when Dixie used to claim that saddam and Iraq was "harboring" zarqawi. Even though zarqawi was in the northern kurdish provinces outside saddam's control -- Dixie would respond "Well, he's still INSIDE the borders of Iraq!"
I have to agree with Cypress Damo. that is why I said Deja vu all over again. Not outright lies, but deliberate deception. That slimey bassid.
Except he specifically stated at the Press conference today, very directly, that he had no evidence that the Government of Iran was sending these things, only that they were manufactured there.

It is difficult to spin when you directly state something like that.
Did Bush state it differently elsewhere though ?

"Wading into the debate, Bush said the Quds Force was instrumental in supplying the weapons - "we know that," he said - and that the Quds Force was part of the Iranian government. "That's a known," he said. "What we don't know is whether or not the head leaders of Iran ordered the Quds Force to do what they did.""

What is a Qud anyway ?
Did Bush state it differently elsewhere though ?

"Wading into the debate, Bush said the Quds Force was instrumental in supplying the weapons - "we know that," he said - and that the Quds Force was part of the Iranian government. "That's a known," he said. "What we don't know is whether or not the head leaders of Iran ordered the Quds Force to do what they did.""

What is a Qud anyway ?
During today's Press Conference when asked Bush stated, paraphrasing here, "No, we know that they are made in Iran but there is no direct evidence linking the Government of Iran to them."

It was direct, it was unequivocal. There was no "spin" on the remark.
Would a CIA operative in Black Ops be working "outside the government" but still be "of" the government?