Top US general doubts Iran proof

The Quds force are the Iranian equivilent to MI6 or the CIA.

What Bush has claimed that hasn't been substantiated is that the Quds force is involved. He is kind of claiming that the Iranian government is involved, but using the get-out that 'we don't know exactly who ordered this.'

As the US general said, all we know is that the weapons came from Iran, there is no evidence that it is official or done by Quds force.

But Bush is implying it. Political lying isn't lying as we would lie. Political lying is all about implication and creating the notion in people's minds whilst having plausible deniability that you actually said it...
Qud (sometimes spelled Qod), or Jerusalem, Force is a radical Islamic force operating outside the government to train dissidents and terrorists...

Like the CIA.... lol
Except he specifically stated at the Press conference today, very directly, that he had no evidence that the Government of Iran was sending these things, only that they were manufactured there.

It is difficult to spin when you directly state something like that.
After the fact. After the misleading impression has already been implanted in too much of the populace.
Didn't bush make a statement about if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth ?

That was Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. 196'456 repetitions make a truth....
After the fact. After the misleading impression has already been implanted in too much of the populace.
Right, yet he did say that. It is difficult to spin from such a bold and direct statement. All one has to do is play the answer to that question and the spin is over.
If they were operating under US orders then they were not. They might have attempted to appear that way, but were working under and within the US government.
And yet the government would never "claim" them if they were caught, hence the "acting outside the government". It is all specifically chosen in order to let Iran slip out of that particular one.
I am just glad that Bush was not into nation building like those darned liberals.
This is my largest disatisfaction with his administration. This and the fricking border. Anybody with half a brain tied behind their back ;) can see that if you want to come in without the government tagging and flagging you you would simply cross a porous border that nobody is doing anything about.