Also got some good news when it comes to adopting the next one. My wife wanted to adopt at a Humane society in a town about an hour from here instead of our local one where we got Bailey because she heard it had a high kill rate. But after talking to our local office they told us that THEY have taken a leadership role now at the other one, pretty much taken over, and have instituted the same policies there that they have here. At our office its pretty rare for a dog to be put down unless they are quite old and sick. So,........... the good news is, we can just adopt local instead. I believe in buying local,....mights well keep adopting local as well! :laugh:
Update on Bailey!

Wow ! What a massive difference so soon. He was neutered on Tuesday but then they looked at pesky skin problem/ allergy issue as well. They prescribed him an antibiotic which I'm assuming does double duty in case the neuter procedure ran into any infections but then they also told me that it would help clear up the redness he had because his itchy spots were getting just a bit infected. But here is the biggy IMO.....they also prescribed him prednisone. I looked it up,....its a steroid that can be given to dogs for a wide range skin problems to clear them up. Man, what a difference ALREADY! Holy cow. He was a great dog to begin with,...but now he just looks so much better, feels so much better too I would imagine because he isn't scratching all the time. We couldnt be more thrilled. All we ever wanted for him was to be healthy and for him to be happy in a place he can FINALLY call his home. He's got that now. Cant wait till summer. That boy is going to have so much fun at the lake swimming with us, going for boat rides, and playing fetch in the water. Plus our daily walks are much longer when the weather is good with a lot of them being out in the country on state park land where he has a little room to run. Thanks for all your help and words of encouragement guys. And a huge shout out to Top. She was right on it from the beginning. He made it,......his long wait is finally over. He's home! :) Oh,....P.S....wife talked me into a puppy in the spring so he can have a playmate. Going to be another rescue for sure. Wife wants to name him George,....goes good with Bailey! :laugh:
Such wonderful news!!...I'm so happy everything is working out....Thank you again... so much...for saving him, for hanging in there, And especially for considering a bro for Bailey...that will be great for everyone! And the perfect name...;)
Also got some good news when it comes to adopting the next one. My wife wanted to adopt at a Humane society in a town about an hour from here instead of our local one where we got Bailey because she heard it had a high kill rate. But after talking to our local office they told us that THEY have taken a leadership role now at the other one, pretty much taken over, and have instituted the same policies there that they have here. At our office its pretty rare for a dog to be put down unless they are quite old and sick. So,........... the good news is, we can just adopt local instead. I believe in buying local,....mights well keep adopting local as well! :laugh:
Adopt, don't shop...even better that it's local...I'm always thrilled to hear that shelters are taking progressive steps to improve their success rates...and saving more lives... Improved shelter conditions, foster/adoption programs, spay/neuter programs, partnering with the community to get volunteers and more rescues's complicated but so important.... It's pretty exciting to be might get hooked..;)
Such wonderful news!!...I'm so happy everything is working out....Thank you again... so much...for saving him, for hanging in there, And especially for considering a bro for Bailey...that will be great for everyone! And the perfect name...;)

Thanks Top! And Bailey ole boy says thanks too! :)
Adopt, don't shop...even better that it's local...I'm always thrilled to hear that shelters are taking progressive steps to improve their success rates...and saving more lives... Improved shelter conditions, foster/adoption programs, spay/neuter programs, partnering with the community to get volunteers and more rescues's complicated but so important.... It's pretty exciting to be might get hooked..;)

Im pretty sure you are on the mark about getting hooked. Im going to let you in on something private,....Oh I know that maybe OTHERS will use it against me some day but I really could care less. Im ME, and thats all that matters.

Anyway,....Our kids are grown now, the youngest just finished up at a local small college and will be headed for UW Milwaukee very soon for a a couple more years to finish up his education. I thought it would be my wife but it was actually ME who struggled a bit with just the thought of empty nest. Ive based my whole life around being a husband and Dad. A couple months back I kind of had a nightmare,....woke up in tears..." yeah ME of all people, mean ole stone :laugh:" Anyway, the dream ended was with me tearfully saying " whats my purpose? Whats my use? I have no purpose now with nobody to raise and care for"

Well,....maybe I aint done quite just yet! LOL. Only this time the kids are 4 leggers instead of two! ;)
Wait until the kids find out their old room is now the Bailey and friends You'll like this... I specially if you're a Meatloaf fan...and who isn't? May he rest in peace...there's a new band getting together in heaven...