Torrents are theft

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster
Many torrents are theft, but not all


Even if people have reasonable justifications for piracy, there’s still the question of whether people are entitled to free content, whatever their reasons.
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I did. Explain how it wasnt. Ill understand if you cant.

Given your obvious lack of English language skills, perhaps you thought your attempt at a jibe was on topic.

It wasn't.

Do you think uploading/downloading torrents is OK?
Given your obvious lack of English language skills, perhaps you thought your attempt at a jibe was on topic.

It wasn't.

Do you think uploading/downloading torrents is OK?

Ive made my position on this pretty clear in the past.

But I will say I downloaded a torrent the other day, so not all torrents are bad.
Yes, downloading copyrighted material is illegal.

Based in Oregon, Carl Crowell is a lawyer who specializes in tracking down pirates who use torrent software to obtain intellectually infringing material.

Crowell has filed numerous lawsuits against pirates in the United States. Most often, however, suits filed by the lawyer never reach the judge as downloaders, frightened, pay damages and settle out of court.

The lawyer has won 80 cases for his clients so far, with many pending -- and the typical settlement reached is $7,500. However, Crowell does not indiscriminately hunt down targets; instead, he targets the worst offenders who keep torrents alive.

He is generally successful -- and therefore is in high demand by creators protecting their content.

In order to combat intellectual property theft, this seems like a reasonable approach -- we've seen nine-year-olds having their PCs confiscated and parents fined, while teenagers are hit with heavy fines.