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The difference is that Carolla and Prager have proven themselves to be Anti-SJW Trumpcucks, whereas you have no idea what kind of category I could possibly fall into. You just assume that anyone who doesn't buy into the "edgy" points of the Anti-SJW hole is the same. A big part of this new internet Right is viewing anyone who opposes them as being exactly the same.
This is another example of you being brainwashed.
If you fail to do your job, you can get fired. If you fail to do your job and blame it on your religion, you can still get fired.
Freedom of religion does NOT mean you can't get fired, it means you can believe whatever you want and the government can't oppress you.
If you say offensive things to people at work, you can get fired. If you insult customers or sexually harass coworkers and say that you can do it because you have freedom of speech, you can still get fired.
Freedom of speech does NOT mean you can't get fired for the things you say, it means you can say what you want and the government can't oppress you.
The Anti-SJW shills regularly tell their viewers that we lost our free speech and free religion because this person here lost their job. They're lying about what free speech and free religion are. These things protect you from the government, not from social consequences.
Please do yourself a favor and stop thinking in terms of Right vs Left. Examine the individual issues without looking for a political identity.
You're missing the point, which is no surprise, the point is not losing your job over some silly assed complaint from some snowflake, the problem is that snowflakes don't get to dictate what 3rd party bystanders can say, and by extension, what they think.
These trans people were NOT born that way, they chose their own path, they DO NOT get to dictate how other people respond to them, we were not consulted about their choice, they can't change the rules in the middle of the game. Maybe once all the people whose brains were washed into thinking an apple is an orange or that the emperor really does have clothes, fine, but I know that men are men and women are women, and no amount of surgery and bullshit can change that. Anybody who tries to tell me otherwise IS trying to brainwash me as in 1984, so do yourself a favor and quit trying to blow smoke up my ass.