Totally Off topic


I have a cable guy in my place right now, and I always feel really weird. is it just me?

I gave him vitamin water. Because I am a liberal.
Its one of the many reasons I love having a dog.

Yeah, that is a good point about dogs.

The one good thing is that he's black. So at least I know he isn't planning on sexually torturing me to death and then hacking my body into pieces and leaving parts of me as souvenirs for the cops to find.

That's why I always kind of cringe when they send a white cable guy.

But either way, it's uncomfortable. And my bf isn't here this week. I miss him.
Men are handy huh?

Lets remember Darla that we are equal opportunity society and soon even black men can see their dreams of being a sadistic sexual canibal realized.
Men are handy huh?

Lets remember Darla that we are equal opportunity society and soon even black men can see their dreams of being a sadistic sexual canibal realized.

So is a gun or mace. :cof1:
So is a gun or mace. :cof1:

LOL. Nah he is totally nice. I'm getting more relaxed. It's weird though when you think about it, if you are a woman, to be in a position of letting a complete stranger to you who is a male, into your home. I mean, it is weird. But he's totally fine.
LOL. Nah he is totally nice. I'm getting more relaxed. It's weird though when you think about it, if you are a woman, to be in a position of letting a complete stranger to you who is a male, into your home. I mean, it is weird. But he's totally fine.

Having a stranger in your home is a strange thing to begin with. It is an invasion (albeit one you asked for) of your safest place.

To be in a position where that is potentially physically threatening is not weird, it is good sense.
She like 58 pounds and has long black hair which makes her look bigger. She always barks when I bring someone new in the house and I get to show how well she listens to me by telling her to be quiet and stay next to me. She also has the ability to impart to me if they are nervious by her reaction to them. If they are really apprehensive I offer to put her outside. They almost always say no when they see how well she listens to me.
There are limits to what cable companies will do to their employees.

I learned something interesting. Before he left he wrote the number of the company he works for on the bill. And I said, what, you don't work for Cablevision? And he said no, they contract it out to us. And I said the first thing that came to my mind, which was "why do they do that, to screw you on the benefits?" And he said, exactly right.

I mean, it is just infuriating. do you know what I pay those f'ers every month, and they don't have a unionized work force, which I thought that they did.
I learned something interesting. Before he left he wrote the number of the company he works for on the bill. And I said, what, you don't work for Cablevision? And he said no, they contract it out to us. And I said the first thing that came to my mind, which was "why do they do that, to screw you on the benefits?" And he said, exactly right.

I mean, it is just infuriating. do you know what I pay those f'ers every month, and they don't have a unionized work force, which I thought that they did.

It is the mobile workforce for the new millenia we were told about.
I learned something interesting. Before he left he wrote the number of the company he works for on the bill. And I said, what, you don't work for Cablevision? And he said no, they contract it out to us. And I said the first thing that came to my mind, which was "why do they do that, to screw you on the benefits?" And he said, exactly right.

I mean, it is just infuriating. do you know what I pay those f'ers every month, and they don't have a unionized work force, which I thought that they did.
LOL, if they did have a unionized workforce, you would have likely paid MORE, plus they would have done a shitter job knowing that there is less chance of repurcussions.