Totally Off topic

LOL. Nah he is totally nice. I'm getting more relaxed. It's weird though when you think about it, if you are a woman, to be in a position of letting a complete stranger to you who is a male, into your home. I mean, it is weird. But he's totally fine.

Men suck. It's awful that women in our society have to feel that way because so many men are just awful bastards. Testosterone is proof there's no god.
LOL, if they did have a unionized workforce, you would have likely paid MORE, plus they would have done a shitter job knowing that there is less chance of repurcussions.

We as a society should be perfectly willing to pay more so that the working class can earn a decent living wage and get healthcare. It's disturbing that you don't agree; you really aren't human at all, are you?
I learned something interesting. Before he left he wrote the number of the company he works for on the bill. And I said, what, you don't work for Cablevision? And he said no, they contract it out to us. And I said the first thing that came to my mind, which was "why do they do that, to screw you on the benefits?" And he said, exactly right.

I mean, it is just infuriating. do you know what I pay those f'ers every month, and they don't have a unionized work force, which I thought that they did.

Really? The ppl that have come out to fix our cablevision were CV employees.

I hate CV btw - Comcast is where its at.
CV and Comcast both suck. Thanks to conservative deregulation they have just set up local monopolies all over the place and collect huge profits while treating their customers like shit.
Really? The ppl that have come out to fix our cablevision were CV employees.

I hate CV btw - Comcast is where its at.

This is the first time they haven't been an employee of Cablevision. I never used Comcast. The thing I love about cablevision is that I have everything with them, phone, internet and tv. I love the phone.
I learned something interesting. Before he left he wrote the number of the company he works for on the bill. And I said, what, you don't work for Cablevision? And he said no, they contract it out to us. And I said the first thing that came to my mind, which was "why do they do that, to screw you on the benefits?" And he said, exactly right.

I mean, it is just infuriating. do you know what I pay those f'ers every month, and they don't have a unionized work force, which I thought that they did.

My company does installs and upgrades in some areas.

We are a subcontractor for some of the biggest in the cable/telecom industry. Our inhouse employees have plenty of benefits and are often paid more than the cable company employees. But that is because they are paid production. They get paid so much per install. They hustle and they make more than most of the people working for an hourly wage. But they also have to travel to where the work is.
Men suck. It's awful that women in our society have to feel that way because so many men are just awful bastards. Testosterone is proof there's no god.

According to a study I wonce read.
Male prisioners were tested for hormones. The most violent ones had the highest levels of female hormones.
Females also have testosterone.

But yes some males obviously suffer from massive testosterone overdose.
While women abusing men does happen, it is like a fraction of 1% of the level of abuse men give to women. What is wrong with men?

Sons of abusers will become abusers.
Daughters of spouse abusers often think men are weak if they do not abuse them.
Women piss men off a lot ?
more I am sure.
I am not in any way condoning it, just some of my observations in life.
We as a society should be perfectly willing to pay more so that the working class can earn a decent living wage and get healthcare. It's disturbing that you don't agree; you really aren't human at all, are you?

The rates of unionization fell in both the 80's and 90's and in both decades, all classes saw their wages rise.
We who subcontract the work have given excellent service at fair prices and made a living at it.

No shame in that, and no union needed.
According to a study I wonce read.
Male prisioners were tested for hormones. The most violent ones had the highest levels of female hormones.
Females also have testosterone.

But yes some males obviously suffer from massive testosterone overdose.

On an episode of House, they had a girl who was actually a boy, but he had pure estrogen, so he seemed like a girl in every way, except he had testes that hadn't dropped instead of overies. He sleped with anyone if there was benefit - more freedom, better grades, etc.

As House put it - "the perfect man is, in fact... a woman."
On an episode of House, they had a girl who was actually a boy, but he had pure estrogen, so he seemed like a girl in every way, except he had testes that hadn't dropped instead of overies. He sleped with anyone if there was benefit - more freedom, better grades, etc.

As House put it - "the perfect man is, in fact... a woman."
House said, "The perfect woman is, in fact, a man..."