Much respect for you brother .. but I've been involved in ballot access issues for a lot of years. The corporate lock on the ballot keeps LOTS of groups and parties from building successful coalitions.
America's two-party system fails all voters
"Democracy is in peril!" The crocodile tears being shed by some Democrats in Pennsylvania over the voter ID law this year are salty, indeed. One only has to look back to 2004 to see why.
Pennsylvania has perhaps the most restrictive ballot access in the nation. A Democratic Party effort spearheaded by former representatives Bill DeWeese and Mike Veon worked successfully to keep a third-party presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, off the ballot, an effort that, in part, landed both men in the hoosegow. Make no mistake -- the Democratic Party wants you to vote, just as long as it is for its candidate. The Republicans may be a little more open about their intentions in this regard. Pull the lever for a D or an R, none other need to apply.
We can't count on a commitment to democracy from either mainstream party. They're both quite happy with the status quo. We the people are looking at a presidential campaign that is estimated to cost $2 billion. The contest will focus on television ads directed primarily at a narrow slice of undecided swing-state voters. Nothing substantive will be discussed in this obscene ad campaign. Neither candidate will escape the grasp of Big Money once elected. The record shows that Barack Obama didn't since 2008, and Mitt Romney doesn't even try to fake any populist leanings.
Having the right and ability to vote is a far cry from having a candidate on the ballot that is worthy of that vote.
The illusion of deciding the future of your country through the ballot box that was taught in your high school civics class fades quickly in the reality of a two-party, one-class lock on the choice of candidates.