Treehuggers: 1...Japanese Whalers: 0


Will work for Scooby snacks
Dick “shooter” Cheney would be proud………..

Japanese Whalers Aim Pepper Spray Cannons at Anti-Whaling Activists; Apparently Accidentally Shoot Their Own Crewmembers in the Face

ADELAIDE, Australia – Japanese whalers who complained of injuries from rancid butter thrown at them by an anti-whaling group were actually suffering from their own pepper spray attack, the protesters said Saturday.
Paul Watson, captain of the Sea Shepherd protest vessel Steve Irwin, said in a statement that video of Thursday's incident showed wind blowing the spray into the faces of the Japanese crew who were aiming it at the activists.

Watson said the Sea Shepherd video showed two of the Japanese crew on the deck of the Shonan Maru 2 wearing metal tanks on their backs. He said they aimed their nozzles and sprayed at the Sea Shepherd crew in an inflatable boat.

"However, the wind was not in favor of this Japanese tactic and the pepper spray is blown back into the faces of the three crew, who can be clearly seen rubbing their eyes.

They appear to be suffering irritation to their eyes," the statement said. "I think this video absolves Sea Shepherd of any wrongdoing and demonstrates that the Japanese whalers routinely spin their stories to demonize our efforts to defend the whales from their illegal activities."
I don't know if I agree with Sea Shepards methods but the Japanese slaughtering an endangered species in the guise of "scientific research" is disgusting. They are laughing at international convention and harvesting an endangered species to meet market demands. If the Japanese try that bullshit in US coastal waters they should be arrested by the Coast Guard.
Didn't some whaler ship ram one of the libtard vessels.

I think the whaler's are leading in this early stage of the game.
P.S. aren't the libtard morons buring gas to run around in front of whaler ships?


Nice libtard tree hugger burn!

These tree hugging hypocrites should pursue Japanese whale genocide ships in rowboats!

and Al Gore should use Cisco systems video conf instead having the worlds largest carbon footprint.

Nice libtard tree hugger burn!

These tree hugging hypocrites should pursue Japanese whale genocide ships in rowboats!

They should design boats that will run on their own sense of self-importance, hook it to Gore and they'll have infinite energy.
They should design boats that will run on their own sense of self-importance, hook it to Gore and they'll have infinite energy.

Nice. I think my favorite, dope-smoking Country singer Willie Nelson has some technology that allows his car run on restaurant grease. These tree hugging hypocrites should hook up with Willie and get their little boats outfitted
Nice. I think my favorite, dope-smoking Country singer Willie Nelson has some technology that allows his car run on restaurant grease. These tree hugging hypocrites should hook up with Willie and get their little boats outfitted
You mean biodiesel. Uhhh I believe they all ready do use that.
I'd have no problem with greenpiece running a biodiesel outboard straight into a whaling ship. I do have a problem with them using a gas engine as they ARE.

It's my whole anti limosine liberal. I don't dig on the types that would step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing fur.
I'd have no problem with greenpiece running a biodiesel outboard straight into a whaling ship. I do have a problem with them using a gas engine as they ARE.

It's my whole anti limosine liberal. I don't dig on the types that would step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing fur.

You've said over and over you don't buy into global warming/climate change. What do you care how the whaling activists run their INFLATABLE RAFTS? What's it take to power your standard outboard motor pushing a rubber raft?
You've said over and over you don't buy into global warming/climate change. What do you care how the whaling activists run their INFLATABLE RAFTS? What's it take to power your standard outboard motor pushing a rubber raft?

I've never said any such thing

I don't dig hypocracy, it doesn't take much gas but least they could do is run biodesel or use sailboats!!! Oh wait gas is cheaper and more efficient. lol
I'd have no problem with greenpiece running a biodiesel outboard straight into a whaling ship. I do have a problem with them using a gas engine as they ARE.

It's my whole anti limosine liberal. I don't dig on the types that would step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing fur.

they are not greenpeace you twit

and i'm sure to them, saving whales outweights burning some oil
I'd have no problem with greenpiece running a biodiesel outboard straight into a whaling ship. I do have a problem with them using a gas engine as they ARE.

It's my whole anti limosine liberal. I don't dig on the types that would step over a homeless person to spit on someone wearing fur.

Hey man, I’m always hip to a good laugh at the expense of libtard activists. I’m not a sensitive little crybaby NeoCon. But, surprisingly I have to go with spurt on this one…I don’t have a prob with these tree hugger gals and dudes burning a few gallons of diesel to save some whales. Whales would be extinct if their existence was left to the devices of Cons, and Japanese whalers.

Personally, I’m down with what these tree hugging whale-lovers are doing. But even if you’re not, you gotta admire their massive balls-to-the-wall commitment to their cause. Who the eff takes a little boat out on the open ocean to confront a big ass Japanese whale-genocide ship? Cheers to those whale lovers - those gals and guys have some cajones. Cajones that only libtard activists seem to possess. Sh*t man, can you imagine the police dogs and beating the civil rights protesters knew they were in for, but decided to march anyway?

And in hilarious contrast, can you imagine the tea bag protestors even having a tiny fraction of the cajones of these whale lovers and the civil rights activists? I guaran-damn-tee you if police dogs were unleashed on the tea bag protesters, those old farts would be running for the hills, pushing grannies out of the way, and trampling any elderly teabagger who got in the way. No doubt!

I guaran-damn-tee you if police dogs were unleashed on the tea bag protesters, those old farts would be running for the hills, pushing grannies out of the way, and trampling any elderly teabagger who got in the way. No doubt!
I'll take that bet.