Treehuggers: 1...Japanese Whalers: 0

Every single person that I know that has CCW in Colorado participates in these protests... Yeah. I'd take that bet too.
I've never said any such thing

I don't dig hypocracy, it doesn't take much gas but least they could do is run biodesel or use sailboats!!! Oh wait gas is cheaper and more efficient. lol

Abstaining from gasoline personally is not a game theory efficient method of reducing the total carbon output of the world. I don't see the hypocrisy.
Nice! I forgot about the teabaggers and their concealed firearms. That’s a whole other level of cowardice that should be considered!

So, the premise is that teabaggers only show courage when they are packing heat? That’s odd….most people would consider bringing guns to a peaceful civil protest an act of complete cowardice. Not very Ghandi-esque one might say!

The reason libtards in the progressive women’s suffrage movement, and black civil rights movement garnered universal admiration is because they put themselves in harms way armed with nothing but their principles and beliefs. That’s something EVERYONE respects…. Bringing guns to a civil protest isn’t an act of courage. What is it with the violent imagery that gets teabaggers a-swoonin' and gets their heart rates a-patterin'? Who knows?! That's for psychologists to answer. My assessment? If MLK, Rosa Parks and the other civil rights gals and dudes showed up packing AK-47s and handguns, they would have been seen as little punks unworthy of respect, and the civil rights movement would have died in the cradle.

Also, can you imagine if these armed teabaggers did open fire at a tea bag protest? Didn’t they bring women, children, and innocent elderly male teabaggers to their protest? Here’s a tip: the civil rights protestors practiced the methods of Ghandi and MLK because not only did it give them moral high ground and advance their cause in the court of public opinion, but they didn’t want to be responsible for inflaming/escalating an outright riot and street battle that would have resulted in collateral damage. Can you imagine a teabagger taking a bead on police dog with his AK-47 and squeezing off some rounds? Not only could his stray bullets potentially take out some kids and women, but the cops would escalate, and said teabagger would be responsible possibly for many deaths of children, women, and geritol-popping innocent elderly men at the tea bag party. Not very honorable, courageous or admirable if you asked me or 99% of the other sane people on the planet!

LOL If I were there with a concealed gun, and some faggot unleashed dogs on me, I'd shoot the damn pups. Everyone here knows by now that I don't have a soft spot for dogs, so I wouldn't even have to shrug off the guilt.
Well you'll never get married with an attitude like that 3D!! :pke:
Nice! I forgot about the teabaggers and their concealed firearms. That’s a whole other level of cowardice that should be considered!

So, the premise is that teabaggers only show courage when they are packing heat? That’s odd….most people would consider bringing guns to a peaceful civil protest an act of complete cowardice. Not very Ghandi-esque one might say!

The reason libtards in the progressive women’s suffrage movement, and black civil rights movement garnered universal admiration is because they put themselves in harms way armed with nothing but their principles and beliefs. That’s something EVERYONE respects…. Bringing guns to a civil protest isn’t an act of courage. What is it with the violent imagery that gets teabaggers a-swoonin' and gets their heart rates a-patterin'? Who knows?! That's for psychologists to answer. My assessment? If MLK, Rosa Parks and the other civil rights gals and dudes showed up packing AK-47s and handguns, they would have been seen as little punks unworthy of respect, and the civil rights movement would have died in the cradle.

Also, can you imagine if these armed teabaggers did open fire at a tea bag protest? Didn’t they bring women, children, and innocent elderly male teabaggers to their protest? Here’s a tip: the civil rights protestors practiced the methods of Ghandi and MLK because not only did it give them moral high ground and advance their cause in the court of public opinion, but they didn’t want to be responsible for inflaming/escalating an outright riot and street battle that would have resulted in collateral damage. Can you imagine a teabagger taking a bead on police dog with his AK-47 and squeezing off some rounds? Not only could his stray bullets potentially take out some kids and women, but the cops would escalate, and said teabagger would be responsible possibly for many deaths of children, women, and geritol-popping innocent elderly men at the tea bag party. Not very honorable, courageous or admirable if you asked me or 99% of the other sane people on the planet!


Let's take this opportunity to dissect the arguments you've used here.

Nice! I forgot about the teabaggers and their concealed firearms. That’s a whole other level of cowardice that should be considered!
So the carrying of concealed firearms is an act of cowardice. Damn, we sure have some pussies on those police forces, in the military, guarding celebrities and politicians, driving around armored bank cars, etc. Why doesn't a real man like yourself apply for the job?

So, the premise is that teabaggers only show courage when they are packing heat? That’s odd….most people would consider bringing guns to a peaceful civil protest an act of complete cowardice. Not very Ghandi-esque one might say!
Nope, not very Ghandi-esque at all, if you ignore the several instances where Ghandi decried the British disarmament of Indian natives. Further, many people would more than likely see it as prudent, rather than cowardly, to bring protection, given both the groups distrust of the government and the tendency for police to use excessive force.

The reason libtards in the progressive women’s suffrage movement, and black civil rights movement garnered universal admiration is because they put themselves in harms way armed with nothing but their principles and beliefs.
As opposed to those damn Founding Fathers, using stupid violence against an oppressive foe. They should have tried diplomacy first
That’s something EVERYONE respects…. Bringing guns to a civil protest isn’t an act of courage.
Nor is it an outright act of violence, but you sure wouldn't want to point that out, it'd hurt your argument.
What is it with the violent imagery that gets teabaggers a-swoonin' and gets their heart rates a-patterin'? Who knows?! That's for psychologists to answer.
What violent imagery do you see her? I sure don't see any. Unless you consider carrying a violent act in and of itself.
My assessment? If MLK, Rosa Parks and the other civil rights gals and dudes showed up packing AK-47s and handguns, they would have been seen as little punks unworthy of respect, and the civil rights movement would have died in the cradle.
Well other than the fact that BOTH MLK jr and Malcom X advocated that blacks be armed, you might have a point. But you don't. And as a side note, to date no one has showed up with a AK type rifle to any of the civil protests or meetings, but we'll get to that later.

Also, can you imagine if these armed teabaggers did open fire at a tea bag protest? Didn’t they bring women, children, and innocent elderly male teabaggers to their protest?
Before we go further, are you asserting that women and the elderly don't carry? And here I was, thinking you were above gross generalizations and stereotypes. Guess I was wrong.
Here’s a tip: the civil rights protestors practiced the methods of Ghandi and MLK because not only did it give them moral high ground and advance their cause in the court of public opinion, but they didn’t want to be responsible for inflaming/escalating an outright riot and street battle that would have resulted in collateral damage. Can you imagine a teabagger taking a bead on police dog with his AK-47 and squeezing off some rounds? Not only could his stray bullets potentially take out some kids and women, but the cops would escalate, and said teabagger would be responsible possibly for many deaths of children, women, and geritol-popping innocent elderly men at the tea bag party. Not very honorable, courageous or admirable if you asked me or 99% of the other sane people on the planet!
You're right, if a situation were to escalate plenty of people could be harmed. And yet that rarely has any bearing on the police when they try to break up otherwise peaceful protests. You've asserted that yourself. So on the one hand, if they carry, the situation could escalate and people could get hurt, possibly innocent ones. But on the other hand, if they don't carry, then they have the moral high ground if the situation escalates and won't be able to defend themselves, which is good. Is that? Oh and just for fun, I'd like to point out you're 5x more likely to be struck by a stray bullet fired by a cop than by a civilian.

Well that's it for deconstructing your post, but I would like to add one last little bit. You've mentioned a number of times AK-47. Despite the fact that no one has openly carried one to any tea part protest that I'm aware of, you like to use it. Possibly because of ignorance when it comes to firearms, but my guess is is that you want to paint people who carry as evil.

AK's are evil. Osama has one. Terrorists have them. Communists have them. That must mean they're bad and evil and only evil people would want or have one.

So tell me Cypress, whats so evil about this gun? Or, if not evil, what's so 'inappropriate' about it?

Cypress turns his little eco terrorist whaling story into a slam against the the tea party & gun owners, after Topspin slams them for using oil in their boats.
they are not greenpeace you twit

and i'm sure to them, saving whales outweights burning some oil

ya'll can have the whales and the polar bears and the little fish causing the water stir in cali.
I'm for a clean environment but not envirowhacko's like these dudes.
what if Indians came here and sabotaged slaughter houses on grounds cows are sacred. What makes a whale better than a cow other than they don't taste as good.
what if Indians came here and sabotaged slaughter houses on grounds cows are sacred. What makes a whale better than a cow other than they don't taste as good.
Well people do get pissy about cows. A better example would be where is all the outrage about exterminators killing ants, roaches, and termites. People don't care about them because they're not cute. Same with all this 'dolphin safe' tuna. We're all worried about dolphins, but don't give a fuck about the tuna.
what if Indians came here and sabotaged slaughter houses on grounds cows are sacred. What makes a whale better than a cow other than they don't taste as good.

I think it's because 1) whales are an endangered or threatened species; 2) the japanese are breaking and flaunting international law; and 3) and the simple emotional appeal of a highly intelligent mammal, that is the most intelligent ainimal on earth behind man. And actually, they're probably more intelligent that most bush voters or teabaggers.

I'm not down with what the hindus think about cows, but cows are bred to be domesticated animal, which are not part of the natural ecosystem, and who's world population is something like a billion.

That said, a couple years ago socialist californians passed a referendum requiring more humane treatment of cows in confined animal facilities. I don't know what happened, I suspect animal-hating repubilcans watered it down or got it tossed out in court...who knows? Personally, every time I drive by Harris Ranch, I pat myself on the back for giving up red meat. In short, tofu-burgers rule!

Dude, if you want to see some sickening cruelty, check out one of those Louisiana chicken processing plants. It'll make a vegan out of you, for sure!