Trial starts Tuesday.... what do you think..


Well-known member
SO what is my trial worth?

37 year old woman in car accident, hit by a drunk driver.

neck and back treatment immideatly following the accident for severe pain and limitations on movement.

Doctor Recomended Fussion surgery. She wanted to try other options like, physical therapy, injection therapy, and chiropratic treatmentand began to do so. She made about $52,000 a year, but never returned to her job.

Then she was in a second accident.....

went to the hospital.... extra pain for a few weeks, then back to about where she was prior to the first accident....

6 months later doctor told her about new disk replacement surgery which she did... and it helped the pain greatly.

She Cant walk more than around the block without pain, cant sit through an entire church service without pain, (never once ever in her life left church early prior to accidents). Quit teaching Sunday School after accident, because it was too much.

We have been granted summary judgement on both accidents as to negligance on the part of the other drivers, 100% fault of the other drivers.

Medical Bills are about $75,000.00.

Doctor testified that she will never be medically cleared to lift more than 15 lbs at a time.
SO what is my trial worth?

37 year old woman in car accident, hit by a drunk driver.

neck and back treatment immideatly following the accident for severe pain and limitations on movement.

Doctor Recomended Fussion surgery. She wanted to try other options like, physical therapy, injection therapy, and chiropratic treatmentand began to do so. She made about $52,000 a year, but never returned to her job.

Then she was in a second accident.....

went to the hospital.... extra pain for a few weeks, then back to about where she was prior to the first accident....

6 months later doctor told her about new disk replacement surgery which she did... and it helped the pain greatly.

She Cant walk more than around the block without pain, cant sit through an entire church service without pain, (never once ever in her life left church early prior to accidents). Quit teaching Sunday School after accident, because it was too much.

We have been granted summary judgement on both accidents as to negligance on the part of the other drivers, 100% fault of the other drivers.

Medical Bills are about $75,000.00.

Doctor testified that she will never be medically cleared to lift more than 15 lbs at a time.

Are you the woman mentioned?
Are you the woman mentioned?


no, jarod is serious but has no clue how to conduct a PI trial

get help jarod, this case is worth a lot of money and its clear from your OP you know shit about PI values

and don't take this personally, i know of a lawyer in X ville that did PI and business law, old lady trip and fall fell into his lap and it was against a property management company, well....he had to go up against not only the insurance, but the firm that represents the property management, the guy was a total spazz, this is no joke, showed up to a deposition in fucking gym shorts and a t shirt

when all he could get pre trial was 100K...he hired some big gun from so cal and got around 1.5 million from a jury "hired" i meant split fees....i don't know what their arrangement was, but the guy literally came in just for the trial
This is what I do. I represent victims, I don't need help. The only other work I do is small time criminal defense. I'm just interested in what a layman believes in the value based on these facts. Three years ago I got a 14,000,000 Verdict for a woman in Indian River County, she was injured much worse..

Two years ago I got a 2,000,000 verdict for the wife of a man killed by a drunk driver.
SO what is my trial worth?

37 year old woman in car accident, hit by a drunk driver.

neck and back treatment immideatly following the accident for severe pain and limitations on movement.

Doctor Recomended Fussion surgery. She wanted to try other options like, physical therapy, injection therapy, and chiropratic treatmentand began to do so. She made about $52,000 a year, but never returned to her job.

Then she was in a second accident.....

went to the hospital.... extra pain for a few weeks, then back to about where she was prior to the first accident....

6 months later doctor told her about new disk replacement surgery which she did... and it helped the pain greatly.

She Cant walk more than around the block without pain, cant sit through an entire church service without pain, (never once ever in her life left church early prior to accidents). Quit teaching Sunday School after accident, because it was too much.

We have been granted summary judgement on both accidents as to negligance on the part of the other drivers, 100% fault of the other drivers.

Medical Bills are about $75,000.00.

Doctor testified that she will never be medically cleared to lift more than 15 lbs at a time.

After suffering from back pain for the past 7+ years (L4 and LF), I can attest to the pain that comes from a spinal problem.
As to the "compensation"; how much is it worth, when you have to live everyday in pain or being unable to do certain things, because of the pain that is going to occur from it?
I'd recommend some good pain meds. :)

Pain meds for your back, only work if you take them prior to being in pain; which usually means you end up having to take them all the time.
This is how addictions start and why I refuse to take pain meds, unless it's so bad that I can't stand it anymore.
I don't know.

Pretty difficult to convert the total loss of happiness in the brain over a lifetime to dollars. They shouldn't have to pay for quack treatments like chiropractic though.
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Pain meds for your back, only work if you take them prior to being in pain; which usually means you end up having to take them all the time.
This is how addictions start and why I refuse to take pain meds, unless it's so bad that I can't stand it anymore.

If it's not over the counter it's an opiate IE pretty much the same thing as morphine and heroin. If someone is in chronic pain, though, they're going to have to take them all of the time anyway, so addiction is pretty much irrelevant.