Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
You got a link to those 2/3? Or should we take your word for it?
Faulty memory... it is actually closer to 80%
You got a link to those 2/3? Or should we take your word for it?
Faulty memory... it is actually closer to 80%
Same thing, really.
Wait a minute, is your statement about the bush tax cuts, or Obama's extension?
the deficit was reducing all four years before that
super duper.
how did a non existent dot com bring down the budget deficit years before it happened?
Do you think it suddenly changes?
The problem with the left is they like to get themselves confused with the per capita amounts. That convinces them the bulk of the dollars are going to the wealthy. They forget the 'wealthy' account for about 2-5% (depending on varying definitions) of the populace.
What are you talking about? What years are you referring to?
Also, the boom in the 90's was tech, telecom, biotech and internet. Not just dot.coms
LMAO... typical Democrat... why do you always try and confuse the proles by using the percent of GDP? Does that lower our national debt? Does it change what we owe? No, it simply means the growth of the economy was faster than the growth of the debt. It doesn't change the fact that they both raised the debt burden by $1.6 T.
Inflation adjusted Clintons is not as bad, but then again he was the benefactor of a booming tech/internet/telecom economy. Whereas Reagan had to dig out of Carters mess.
that was the dot com bubble dude
Fun with nominal figures!
Here's another chart that I like that shows that Regan and Clinton were exactly the same on the debt front. LOL:
I think I found your slight of hand SF...I knew there was one:
"According to the new report from the Congressional Budget Office, about two-thirds of the benefits from the tax cuts, enacted in 2001 and 2003, went to households in the top fifth of earnings, with an average income of $203,740."
The hagiography of Ronald Reagan by a self-procalimed deficit hawk really cracks me up.