You really need to learn the English language. Learn what 'fact' and 'evidence' means.
You almost have it. ALL religions have the common characteristic of being based on some initial circular argument. This itself is not a fallacy. The other name for the circular argument is the argument of faith. A religion can best be described as an initial circular argument, with argument extending from that.
For example, in Christianity, the initial circular argument is that Christ lives and He is who He says He is, namely the Son of God. ALL other arguments in Christianity extend from that.
The circular argument fallacy occurs when someone tries to prove a circular argument either True or False. This is what a fundamentalist does. It is not possible to prove a circular argument True or False.
Thus, ALL religions are based on faith. No god or gods are necessary, and some religions don't have them.
Here is your problem. You don't know either of these words.
A 'fact' is simply an assumed argument. If someone doesn't assume that argument, it is NO LONGER A FACT. It is an argument. A 'fact' does NOT mean Universal Truth, or 'proof'.
It is quite possible to assume, for example, that Christ exists. Among Christians, that is a fact. To a non-Christian, it is NOT a fact. Nothing about ANY fact is a proof of any kind. It is simply a shorthand used in English.
Climate change cannot exist, because climate cannot change. Climate has no values that can 'change'. There is no temperature, no wind speed, no rain gauge, no sky condition, NOTHING. It is purely a subjective description. There is no objectivity to it at all. The Church of Global Warming uses this phrase now to try to re-label the religion. It's a meaningless buzzword.
YOU are a fundamentalist. The Church of Global Warming and the Church of the EV are fundamentalist style religions. I say your faith in them is misplaced. The Church of Global Warming ignores mathematics and several theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
* You assume numbers someone tells you are accurate. There is no data.
* You assume because someone has a degree they conducted the math properly. Neither science nor mathematics is a degree, license, certification, or any other sanctification.
* You assume that a Magick Holy Gas is somehow able to heat the Earth simply by being there.
* You assume that a Magick Holy Gas is somehow able to 'trap' heat and 'trap' light.
* You assume that a Magick Holy Gas is somehow able to heat a warmer object (the surface) with a colder one (the gas).
* You assume that an object that emits light due to the Stefan-Boltzmann law does not lose energy doing it.
To you these are 'facts'. They are NOT facts to the world. Not everyone believes your religion for obvious reasons.
You don't understand what 'science' even means or how it's defined, since you deny philosophy as well. Suffice to say that science is simply a set of falsifiable theories. It is nothing else. It has no religion, and it has no politics. It has no proofs. It is not a class, degree, college, university, research, study, book, pamphlet, magazine, journal, or web site. It is not a government agency nor an academy, society, or any group of people. It is not people at all. It is not mathematics, 'data', random number, or 'search'. It is not any religion. It uses no proxy measurements. There are no theories of science about past unobserved events.
I may go into the philosophy of why science is defined the way it is later for someone with a more open mind than yours. Pay attention when I do.
Only by the Church of Global Warming. It only exists as a religious artifact. It is an attempt by the Church of Global Warming to rename their religion, since a lot of people aren't buying it anymore. Other attempts are: 'climate crisis', 'climate disaster', 'global change', etc. Other buzzwords commonly seen in this religion is 'tipping point', 'The Data', 'everyone knows', 'footprint', 'man made', etc. There is also a common confusion between carbon and carbon dioxide. It also likes to make up random numbers and claim they are 'data'.
You can find a more complete list of buzzwords compiled by gfm7176
You can also find a more complete statement of what I will even begin to consider valid data by referring to my Data Mine rules, found
IBDaMann has produced a mythology manual describing this religion. It can be found
You can also find references to several theories of science on that same site, as well as a copy of some of the writings of Karl Marx, copies of the Constitution of the United States, a copy of various court decisions, and of course a copy of my numbered mantra list (currently under review for modification), and a political forum (a smaller version of JPP)
here. (yes, you can create a signup there).
Okay. Enough with the shameless plug. JPP itself IS an excellent political forum and credit has to be given to Damo for managing the thing.
And you are no exception. The Church of Global Warming uses Gaia for it's goddess, and Al Gore for the Holy Son (put to death by Hanging Chad, but brought back from time to time to say something stupid). The Holy Gas reveals the 'Sins of Man'.
Me? I guess you could put me in the role of Satan in your religions. I am utterly against them. I have already given the reasons why.