what does "probally" mean? and why did you use an "a" before the word appointment in your post, instead of "an" like every passing 3rd grade child would? did you even go to grade school, bullet bob? are you called that because your head is shaped like a bullet? or what?
Yes I went to 3 rd grade But I never got past 9th grade I had to go to work to help support my family the farms revenues were not cutting the mustard .
Yes my spelling can be poor and I dont always use the appropriate word selection.
No I got the nick name bullet bob for what I did to some trespasser on our property when I was young.
A gr Group of local dope head were partying away making a mess out of a corner of one of our fields throwing trash and damaging the field in general , then they made the mistake of threatening to beat me up. I was outnumbered 4 to one . So I went back to the house and retrieved my 3030 marlin and went back to discuss the issue with them. I put 2 rounds of 3030 into the trunk of their car to get their attention so they would know I was serious and then explained what I would do to them if I ever saw them on our property again.
I believe it induced the right response in them.
This was in my youth when I was a different person , I was young . I can look back now and regret the incident . Any other comments or questions from the grammar police ? You now get one cookie for catching me in a grammar error , good job byou also get a silver star for your paper.