Trump Administration Says It Will Rescind $929 Million In Funds For California High-S

Trump Administration Says It Will Rescind $929 Million In Funds For California High-Speed Rail

Maybe.... WE.... California, will withhold its federal contributions then. Then watch 90% of the red states STARVE TO DEATH. Keep messing with the Worlds 5th largest economy and LARGEST US economy at your own peril you worthless piece of shit.

good luck. I'm in complete favor of California breaking away - and will help them anyway I can :-)
If Commifornia is so big and bad why do they need federal money

And if they aren’t building the high speed rail it seems reasonable to not give them the money for the high speed rail right?

On what grounds does Commiefornia get to keep the money if they aren’t going to do what they said they would do with it?
Trump Administration Says It Will Rescind $929 Million In Funds For California High-Speed Rail
Maybe.... WE.... California, will withhold its federal contributions then. Then watch 90% of the red states STARVE TO DEATH. Keep messing with the Worlds 5th largest economy and LARGEST US economy at your own peril you worthless piece of shit.

I guess you missed the recent announcement by the new leftist Governor of California; he killed the high speed rail deal.

If you weren't such a low IQ race hustling moron, you could have known that before you emotionally erupted with your predictably stupid canards.
Trump Administration Says It Will Rescind $929 Million In Funds For California High-Speed Rail

Maybe.... WE.... California, will withhold its federal contributions then. Then watch 90% of the red states STARVE TO DEATH. Keep messing with the Worlds 5th largest economy and LARGEST US economy at your own peril you worthless piece of shit.
Trump is famous for vengeance.

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the rail is not dead

that is a lie

but then lies are all the republicans have left in their quiver

he cant legally do it

hes just jacking off his tiny mushroom cap

so the base is running around with their mouths open trying to catch the proceeds
If Commifornia is so big and bad why do they need federal money
people that make this claim about the size of their economy on the global stage are economic morons

good luck funding your own national defense - and not being a part of the worlds reserve currency. the US - including the red states will still control the worlds reserve currency -

What will happen is California will join the list of nations that fund our excess consumption. We import cheap goods and services and export depreciating dollars. If California wants that arrangement, I am all for giving it to them.
We elected our first King who rules over all according to his whim. He punishes those who displease him. It is good to be the king.
And if they aren’t building the high speed rail it seems reasonable to not give them the money for the high speed rail right?

On what grounds does Commiefornia get to keep the money if they aren’t going to do what they said they would do with it?
Careful. Logic usually triggers these people.
Liberals complaining about 5.7 billion for a wall but nothing about the waste that has occurred to date and will occur in the future with a high speed rail system. The cost 100 billion.
Find out if Amtrak is making a profit.
Once again you failed to tell the entire truth.
The project that was projected to cost 45 billion will now cost 77 billion
You forgot to mention that 64% don’t want the rail system.
Do you really think people will give up their cars. The lower income bracket won’t be allow to afford a ticket. Besides their low paying jobs are local. Who will ride your train?
You also failed to mention the federal government gave the money with the understanding California would build the rails from LA to San Francisco and there is no such plan.
Because of the cost they will only build rails for 171 miles not the 400 miles that California sold to the feds.

Well Mr. 5th largest economy you don’t need federal dollars. Waste your own money. California lost 2.5 percent of its population to domestic migration. When you increase taxes for the train project watch more leave the state. Try collecting revenue from the hugh homeless population or the illegals. Good luck.
Are you brain dead. I asked a yes/no question.
Now that you have stated your opinion why don’t you tell me which US train system is first rate.
I ride Amtrak quite often and have never had problems.
Other than going faster and newer what will be the differences between riding Amtrak and the bullet train.

Did anyone figure out ridership numbers when the project is done. That’s a question. I don’t need a response that deviates from the question.
Are you brain dead. I asked a yes/no question.
Now that you have stated your opinion why don’t you tell me which US train system is first rate.
I ride Amtrak quite often and have never had problems.
Other than going faster and newer what will be the differences between riding Amtrak and the bullet train.

Did anyone figure out ridership numbers when the project is done. That’s a question. I don’t need a response that deviates from the question.

There is no first rate train system in the US. Amtrak's speed is an issue for most...Chicago to Detroit takes eight hours...and that's not even a long trip. As far as ridership is concerned...the only thing you could use to predict that would be bullet trains abroad.

It's not all about ridership money either. California is looking to take cars off the road.

That being said, those who say such a project doesn't deserve federal money may get their way.