fully immersed in faith..
The Koch's are just one of many who no longer have interest in Trump lies
shouldn't that make you like him?....
The Koch's are just one of many who no longer have interest in Trump lies
Its that why a record number of people turned out to vote for Joe Biden?
Always better to help people out than cut corporate taxes on the way to the greatest 4 year deficit in our history, thanks to Donnie
Quote Originally Posted by floridafan View Post
Always better to help people out than cut corporate taxes on the way to the greatest 4 year deficit in our history, thanks to Donnie
Biden has creamed that number handing out money left and right, and he is not helping anyone, he is crippling them for life, this is ethically wrong and dishonest, simple buying of votes
I get it, Trump never attempted to buy votes, or to buy donations with his massive corporate tax cut, which by the way was bullshit from day 1.
tax cuts go to everyone.
The vast majority went to corporations and the wealthy. The average American got sloppy seconds/
tax cuts go mostly to people who pay taxes.
if you're concerned about the well being of the middle class you should embrace tariffs, to punish slave labor.
The biggest winners from Trump’s tax cuts were probably businesses. Between 2017 and 2018, corporations paid 22.4% less income tax. The total value of refunds issued by the IRS to businesses also increased by 33.8% nationally.
it's a little bit fascist.
I get it, Trump never attempted to buy votes, or to buy donations with his massive corporate tax cut, which by the way was bullshit from day 1.
how so, the country was better off, fuel costs were down, housing was up, everyone had more disposable income, Biden took every one of those the opposite direction
Naturally you wont mention the 6 trillion debt trump ran up, with that tax cut contributing a big part of that.
Already discussed, Obamacare is a large portion of every President's debt going forward as it is not self sustaining. Take that with the inflation reduction act and free college and Biden has achieved Trumps debt in half the time
Sorry cum quat, but you are so full of shit, I can smell your stink from here.
this is not an effective rebuttal.
Did you forget to change ID's, this wasn't directed to you.