Trump allies made a ‘flurry’ of suspicious money transfers after Jr met with Russians


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The Trumps made a “flurry” of suspicious financial transactions following Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian intelligence asset in Trump Tower, reports BuzzFeed News.

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.
The key figure is Putin-allied oligarch Aras Agalarov, who also has ties to Donald Trump. Following the meeting, Agalarov transfered money to “at least two people” who attended the meeting.

Then, after the election, there was a second flurry of transfers.

“The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends,” BuzzFeed reports. “The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.”

Another piece of interesting timing: The first transfer happened on June 20, the same day Trump fired campaign manager Lewandowski so he could put Paul Manafort in charge. Manafort famously refused to take a salary, but on the same day Agalarov used a company called Silver Valley Consulting to move millions.
The Trumps made a “flurry” of suspicious financial transactions following Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian intelligence asset in Trump Tower, reports BuzzFeed News.

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.
The key figure is Putin-allied oligarch Aras Agalarov, who also has ties to Donald Trump. Following the meeting, Agalarov transfered money to “at least two people” who attended the meeting.

Then, after the election, there was a second flurry of transfers.

“The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends,” BuzzFeed reports. “The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.”

Another piece of interesting timing: The first transfer happened on June 20, the same day Trump fired campaign manager Lewandowski so he could put Paul Manafort in charge. Manafort famously refused to take a salary, but on the same day Agalarov used a company called Silver Valley Consulting to move millions.

This is why they follow the money. They must have some great forensic auditors.
If the trumps were involved, it is legal. Donnie loves you and would never do anything wrong.If it was illegal, like money laundering or bribes, the Repub house will legalize it, like they should.
doesn't work after the fact

how can any American think Donnie the orange is not a Russian asset?

Fox "news" altering what they report to these people is the ONLY reason idiots still back trump

I cant wait until Fox is also charged for helping the Russians by repeating over and over again their lies as news
The Trumps made a “flurry” of suspicious financial transactions following Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian intelligence asset in Trump Tower, reports BuzzFeed News.

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.
The key figure is Putin-allied oligarch Aras Agalarov, who also has ties to Donald Trump. Following the meeting, Agalarov transfered money to “at least two people” who attended the meeting.

Then, after the election, there was a second flurry of transfers.

“The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends,” BuzzFeed reports. “The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.”

Another piece of interesting timing: The first transfer happened on June 20, the same day Trump fired campaign manager Lewandowski so he could put Paul Manafort in charge. Manafort famously refused to take a salary, but on the same day Agalarov used a company called Silver Valley Consulting to move millions.

LINK asshat
The Trumps made a “flurry” of suspicious financial transactions following Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian intelligence asset in Trump Tower, reports BuzzFeed News.

According to the new report, just after the meeting “a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.
The key figure is Putin-allied oligarch Aras Agalarov, who also has ties to Donald Trump. Following the meeting, Agalarov transfered money to “at least two people” who attended the meeting.

Then, after the election, there was a second flurry of transfers.

“The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends,” BuzzFeed reports. “The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.”

Another piece of interesting timing: The first transfer happened on June 20, the same day Trump fired campaign manager Lewandowski so he could put Paul Manafort in charge. Manafort famously refused to take a salary, but on the same day Agalarov used a company called Silver Valley Consulting to move millions.

I'm sure this is a nothingburger. </sarcasm>
For our Reichwing research-impaired friends:

The FBI is probing 'suspicious money transfers' made after the now infamous Trump Tower meeting.

The two transfers were made from a billionaire Russian real estate executive after the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who promised she had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton.

Aras Agalarov's offshore company wired more than $19.5 million to his account in a New York bank just 11 days after that meeting, Buzzfeed reports.

Agalarov, who has close ties to Russian leader Vladimir Putin and was Donald Trump's host when he staged the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, made a second transfer on November 21, 2016, 13 days after the election.
For our Reichwing research-impaired friends:

The FBI is probing 'suspicious money transfers' made after the now infamous Trump Tower meeting.

The two transfers were made from a billionaire Russian real estate executive after the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who promised she had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton.

Aras Agalarov's offshore company wired more than $19.5 million to his account in a New York bank just 11 days after that meeting, Buzzfeed reports.

Agalarov, who has close ties to Russian leader Vladimir Putin and was Donald Trump's host when he staged the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, made a second transfer on November 21, 2016, 13 days after the election.

So first off, the thread title is a LIE. Secondly, lets talk about the definition of "infamous". It is obvious the author of this laughable piece of journalistic crap doesn't know or he wouldn't misuse it like this. It is an absurd description for this.

[in-fuh-muh s]

(1) having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.

(2) deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable: an infamous deed.

Thirdly, per your source; "The suspicious activity report is not necessarily evidence of a crime" and lastly, the report is ridiculous; "'I'm actually perplexed why anybody is interested in this or why anybody in their right mind would treat this as suspicious,' Scott Balber told BuzzFeed."

BUT, in loony liberal land, THIS IS IT!!!

You idiots think it is something? :rofl2: Hey FloridaFOOL; just put the link in there....there are many sources on the web dullard. ;)

It is on Buzz Feed, and before you start dismissing it because of the source, keep in mind, we have an array of right wing conspiracies perpetuated by the likes of Hannity, Brietfart, Blaze, GateWay, WTF, pat dollard, Insurrection something or other, Friends, etc., that conservatives perpetuate endlessly
It is on Buzz Feed, and before you start dismissing it because of the source, keep in mind, we have an array of right wing conspiracies perpetuated by the likes of Hannity, Brietfart, Blaze, GateWay, WTF, pat dollard, Insurrection something or other, Friends, etc., that conservatives perpetuate endlessly

Did you miss my post to your brain dead pal OwlTard? Read it and get back to me when you have at least a slight clue.
Did you miss my post to your brain dead pal OwlTard? Read it and get back to me when you have at least a slight clue.

Nah, waste of time, you requested source and now you got it, and that is the name of that tune

Just can't wait to see what corny copy and paste video "detector" comes back this time, most are old, old and corny
Nah, waste of time, you requested source and now you got it, and that is the name of that tune

Just can't wait to see what corny copy and paste video "detector" comes back this time, most are old, old and corny

You really are too moronic for words:

So first off, the thread title is a LIE. Secondly, lets talk about the definition of "infamous". It is obvious the author of this laughable piece of journalistic crap doesn't know or he wouldn't misuse it like this. It is an absurd description for this.

[in-fuh-muh s]

(1) having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.

(2) deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable: an infamous deed.

Thirdly, per your source; "The suspicious activity report is not necessarily evidence of a crime" and lastly, the report is ridiculous; "'I'm actually perplexed why anybody is interested in this or why anybody in their right mind would treat this as suspicious,' Scott Balber told BuzzFeed."

BUT, in loony liberal land, THIS IS IT!!!
You really are too moronic for words:

So first off, the thread title is a LIE. Secondly, lets talk about the definition of "infamous". It is obvious the author of this laughable piece of journalistic crap doesn't know or he wouldn't misuse it like this. It is an absurd description for this.

[in-fuh-muh s]

(1) having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.

(2) deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable: an infamous deed.

Thirdly, per your source; "The suspicious activity report is not necessarily evidence of a crime" and lastly, the report is ridiculous; "'I'm actually perplexed why anybody is interested in this or why anybody in their right mind would treat this as suspicious,' Scott Balber told BuzzFeed."

BUT, in loony liberal land, THIS IS IT!!!

Seems like your having difficulty processing information, it ain't any less an innuendo than the umpteen ones we see daily from the right, as I noted before, "keep in mind, we have an array of right wing conspiracies perpetuated by the likes of Hannity, Brietfart, Blaze, GateWay, WTF, pat dollard, Insurrection something or other, Friends, etc., that conservatives perpetuate endlessly" It ain't anymore or less "IT" than the vast majority of those conspiracies are "IT"