Typical American conservative.
DECLARE VICTORY...and run for cover.
Run? I just destroyed you and you say I'm running lol. Again precisely why you guys have such problems with critical thinking.
Typical American conservative.
DECLARE VICTORY...and run for cover.
You simply are not worth the effort. Have a nice day......)
Run? I just destroyed you and you say I'm running lol. Again precisely why you guys have such problems with critical thinking.
Best way to answer this nonsense is to say: You are nuts.
I honestly hope you grow up enough to realize you are nuts...and that being nuts is just a temporary thing with you.
Your answer to my post was to call me a name.
If I'm so nuts then rebutting my post should be quite easy. You could use the opportunity to make me look stupid. You however chose to take the hypocritical but typical path of calling me a name and ignoring the text. Didnt you frown on name calling Frank?
It would have been fun to watch you try to counter what I posted. Some of you libs are pretty good most just call names and ignore the text.
YOU...who calls people "moron" in about half your posts?
Get off it.
I certainly do frown on it, Daddyo...but I am willing to make an exception in your case, because your post was JUST NUTS. Stop posting nutty shit...and that would eliminate the description of your nutty shit as NUTS.
Give me a break. YOU are a person who resorts to name-calling more than almost anyone else i the forum. Take the return fire like an adult...or STFU.
Point #1 no I'm not bothered by any of the things I'm called. I call names because I am called names. Occassionally I might return fire and hit friendlies. For that I apologize.
Point#2 nutty shit? Liberals indeed broke up families especially black families by making it a requirement that no father be in the home to qualify for welfare bennies. Back in the 60's. Documentation is available that suggests it was done purposefully.
Liberals indeed rewarded illegals with bennies and citizenship. (See the reagan deal and look at current regulations) also liberals are for santuary cities.
The money for this is stolen from tax payers under the threat of prison.
Liberals indeed called trump a racist ( and more) for closing travel from certain areas due to Corona.
Liberals indeed politicized the disease by accusing trump of mishandling the issue prompting trump to call that a new hoax. Snopes agreed that trump was referring to the accusations of mishandling by the dems and not the virus when he called it a hoax.
So hopefully you can comprehend why I find it less than genuine that you would call my post nutty shit. It's far more likely that the truth posted was to difficult to believe and worst to defend.
Um, no, it started with Acosta behaving very rudely, and snatching a microphone from a young lady intern. But you already knew that.
The post I called NUTS...was so nutty, calling it NUTS almost did not do justice to it.
If you want to suppose that Liberals = Bad...Conservatives = Good...fine with me. There are cures for that kind of thing...although I wouldn't count on it if I were you.
American conservatives have gone pretty much bat-shit crazy.
I do not hate them...I pity them.
Liberalism is bad. Conservatism is good. History has proved this over and over.
My post had many facts mixed with some opinion. Your opinion doesn't change that. Your refusal to acknowledge that or respond to that doesn't change it. I know it hurts that your liberal comrades with their liberal agenda have caused so much harm to this country. I wouldn't want it as part of my history either. It is however what it is.
How have conservatives gone crazy? We are the most consistent individuals around. Please explained?
Pity........you pity us and we pity you....I can list the reasons as I did in that post......you can't.